- Since the implementation of the Administrative Procedural Law two-thirds of the cases have ended in a change of the original decision made by the administrative organs. 自《行政訴訟法》實施以來,三分之二的訴訟都以行政機關改變原決定而終結。
- You may ask for your case to be reviewed if you think the original decision was wrong. 如果你認為原始的決定是錯誤,那麼你可以要求情況被考察。
- The matter shall not be dealt with if the original decision or opinion is correct. 經複查,信訪事項處理決定正確的,不再處理。
- In August 2006 Pluto was stripped of its status as a planet and Holst's original decision was vindicated. 再註:最新的新聞是有抗議聲,認為投票的科學家人數太少,加上新的行星定義過於模糊,希望是能恢復冥王星的行星地位......等等。
- During the period of re-examination and final examination, the implementation of the original decision will not be stayed. 複查、複核期間,不停止原決定的執行。
- It means reconsidering original decisions given new knowledge. 它意含著對原先決策的重新思考可以帶來新的知識。
- If the review results in the original decision being changed, an ex-gratia payment may be made to cover the cost of the review. 如果複查導致原始的決定被改變,可能要求為複查付款。
- An ex-gratia payment will only be made where we are satisfied that the original decision was wrong and a review application was unnecessary. 如果原始的決定是錯的,同時複查申請是沒有必要的地方才要求增加付費。
- In order to better around, and we turbot Machinery Co., Ltd. of Taiwan's original decision to move to Shanghai Qingpu Shanghai office, set up factories. 為了更好地靠近客戶,我們台灣國菱機械有限公司決定將原來上海辦事處遷往上海青浦,設立工廠。
- The application for reconsideration of the decision concerning other specific Customs acts shall be dealt with by the Customs to which the Customs made the original decision is subordinate. 對海關作出的其它具體行政行為不服申請複議的,由作出具體行政行為的海關的上一級海關管轄。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 財產於1998年將歸還原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅畫是原作還是複製品?
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 這是原畫還是模本?
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 這幅畫的原作在大英博物館內。
- This painting is a copy; the original is in Madrid. 這幅畫是複製品,原作在馬德里。
- Do you still stand on your original story? 你還堅持你原來的說法嗎?
- His paintings are highly original. 他的作品很獨特。
- The original owner of the house moved out. 房子原先的主人搬出去了。
- He keeps the original receipt for reference. 他保留正本(原始的)收據以便參考。
- Critics praised the work as highly original. 評論家們稱讚該作品獨樹一幟。