- Deng answered: "Because I am an ordinary person". 而鄧小平這樣回答:"因為我是一個普通人。"
- To bring down to the level of the ordinary person. 使通俗化使下降到普通人的水準
- Sometimes an ordinary person is not really ordinary. 俗人有時不俗。
- No ordinary person can remember everything that happens to him. 一般人記不住所有發生過的事情。
- Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interest of the ordinary person. 許多新知識與普通人目前的利益關係甚遠。
- Confucius awoke and knew his compatriot was not an ordinary person. 孔子這時才驚醒過來,知道這位老鄉,實非等閑之輩。
- The standard of care expected is that of an ordinary person. 所期望的注意標準是針對一個具有普通常識的人。
- An ordinary person, representative of the human race. 每個人普通人,人類的代表
- This was no ordinary person coquetting with his pretty daughter. 這在追求他的美貌女兒的,並不是一個尋常人啊。
- I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. 我是一個平凡的人,我有一個平凡的妄想:做一名醫生。
- I am a very ordinary person, like sports, music, travel. 我是一個很平凡的人,喜歡運動,音樂,旅遊。
- An ordinary person, comparative extroversion of personality . 是一個普通的人,性格比較外向的。
- If a prince violates the law, he must be punished like an ordinary person. 王子犯法與庶民同罪。
- It is so surprising that she married an uneducated and ordinary person. 沒想到她竟然嫁給了一個村夫俗子。
- Yet, often ordinary persons do attain what they desire. 但、平凡的人經常達到他們的慾望。
- Western characters like Superman, Spiderman and Batman, all have the qualities of an ordinary person. 西方的超人、蜘蛛俠、蝙蝠俠等形象都具有普通人的特徵。
- But Law 198 states that if an Aristocrat shall have taken the eye of an ordinary person, then the Aristocrat would be punished only with a small fine. 但198條法律規定,假如一個貴族摘除了一個普通人的眼睛,他只需繳納少量的罰金。
- Hilary: If you think being an ordinary person is any easier than being an extraordinary one, you're wrong. 如果你認為當個普通人比當天才更輕鬆,那麼你錯了。
- It's not easy for a ordinary person to search for a pair of sandal in such a big lake. 讓一個普通人在這麼大的一個湖裡尋找一雙涼鞋可不容易。
- I am just an ordinary person and I like nice quiet life. I am smart, soft pretty woman. I am an educated, kindhearted. honest person. 我是一個平凡的人,喜歡美好的生活。我是一個開朗,活潑,文雅的女性。我是受過良好教育的人,為人善良,仁慈的,誠實的人。