- A large unseen orchestra was playing jazz. 一個觀眾看不到的樂隊正在演奏爵士樂。
- Does jazz hold any appeal for you? 你對爵士樂有興趣嗎?
- He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. 他和湯姆同樣是管弦樂隊的成員。
- The jazz band gave out with quick rhythms. 爵士樂隊狂熱地奏出了快速的旋律。
- Her departure is a great loss to the orchestra. 她離去是管弦樂隊的一大損失。
- Jazz has never really turned me on. 我從未對爵士樂真正產生過興趣。
- Do you feel able to conduct an orchestra? 您看您能指揮交響樂團嗎?
- I'm really getting into jazz these days. 近來我喜愛上爵士樂了。
- An orchestra usually plays classical music. 管弦樂隊通常演奏古典音樂。
- The symphony orchestra will be coming. 交響樂團要來了。
- She had a drink to jazz herself up. 她喝了杯酒來興奮一下。
- We went to a jazz concert last night. 我們昨晚去聽爵士音樂會。
- She prefers pop music and jazz to classical music. 較之古典音樂她更喜歡流行音樂與爵士音樂。
- He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra. 他是交響樂團中的大提琴手。
- He was the first violin of the orchestra. 他是該管弦樂隊的第一小提琴手。
- She lectured us about the honour of the school and all that jazz. 她給我們講了學校的榮譽還有一大堆這類的事情。
- Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra. 格林先生將指揮這支管弦樂隊。
- The orchestra has several concert engagements. 這管弦樂隊已安排好幾場音樂會。
- The orchestra tuned their instruments. 樂隊在給樂器調音。
- Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! 最近它被一位客人弄壞了。她用它彈爵士樂!