- [+course] 簽約做某事to sign on for sth
- Lambert course (航運)朗伯航程
- [+job,course,trip etc] 簽約從事to sign up for
- [+subject,theme] 不斷地致力於某事to hammer away at sth
- [+work,thought,subject] 沉浸於某事之中to immerse o.s. in sth
- 可以搜索Course Catalog來查找可用課程、專業課程和證書課程。You can search the Course Catalog to find available courses, curriculums, and certificate programs.
- RFC 2822需要在Subject:頭欄位和郵件正文間留一個空行。RFC 2822 requires a blank line between the Subject: header field and the message body.
- citizen 和subject二詞均指享有國家給予的權利(如選舉權)的人.Citizen and subject both indicate a person who has the rights given by a state to its members,eg the right to vote.
- 在subject字元串中搜索與pattern給出的正則表達式相匹配的內容。Searches subject for a match to the regular expression given in pattern.
- 如果運行該包,則每次重複循環時,都會用一個文件名更新Subject屬性。When the package runs, the Subject property is updated with the name of a file each time that the loop repeats.
- 有關使用subject或content過濾器的信息,請參見使用主題和內容過濾器。For information about using the subject or content filters, see Using subject and content filters.
- 數字資產如果通過消息平台發送就會出現衝突,因為軟體混淆了兩個辭彙表中的subject和date標籤。Conflicts arise when a digital asset is sent through the messaging platform because the messaging software confuses the subject and date tags in the two vocabularies.
- Items Subject to Retention Policy是自最近的計劃間隔開始以來,託管文件夾助理應用保留策略的總項目數。Items Subject to Retention Policy is the total number of items subject to retention policy by the managed folder assistant since the start of the most recent schedule interval.
- 腳規
- 提供一個示例,演示如何更改Microsoft Office Word和Microsoft Office Excel提供的內置屬性Revision Number屬性和Subject屬性。Provides an example that demonstrates how to change the Revision Number property and the Subject property, which are built-in properties provided by Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel.
- 儗
- 漢語平行並列結構中的隱性動詞來自空動詞句(empty verb sentences)和左邊緣刪略句。 它們分別是述謂關係允准(subject-predicate predication licensing)和並列縮減的結果。The covert verbs in Chinese parallel coordinate structures arise from empty verb sentences and LPD sentences and come as the result of subject-predicate predication licensing and CR, respectively.