- Talking about your next job assignment is a good example of this. 談論你的下一個工作安排就是一個很好的例子。
- Studies production schedules and estimates workers-hour requirements for completion of job assignment. 就任務完成研究出生產計劃,並對工人的生產進度要求進行評估。
- The foreman is responsible for the job assignments. 工頭的職責是分派工作。
- Execute the daily job assigned by teamleader. 執行主管分配的日常工作。
- JOB ASSIGNMENT - Responsible for Inbond &Outbond goods - Sample and consumable goods registration - Sample deli...... ... 公司名稱:宜家分撥(上海)有限公司工作地點:其他發布時間:2009-4-6
- However, how to predict the results of sandstone acidization and select optimal job parameters is still an open question. 但怎樣預測砂岩酸化效果,選擇最佳施工參數,仍未得到很好的解決。
- The reform and the furthering of the reform in job placement system in colleges have accelerated the marketization of college students' job assignment. 摘要高校畢業生就業制度的改革與深化,加快了大學生就業工作的市場化進程。
- Later,with the institution of the employment system featuring unified job assignment under the planned economy system,the relief system had gradually gone out of the picture. 此後,在計劃經濟體制下,由於實行統包統配的就業制度,失業救濟制度逐步被取消。
- Later, with the institution of the employment system featuring unified job assignment under the planned economy system, the relief system had gradually gone out of the picture. 此後,在計劃經濟體制下,由於實行統包統配的就業制度,失業救濟制度逐步被取消。
- Responsible for management, plan, Job Assignment and client database, to make various regulation based on designers or projects like: finance budget, prompting system, etc. 負責部門的管理規劃、工作分配,客戶資料庫的建立及規則制定,例如:財務預算制定、激勵考核制度等。
- Completion of daily job assignments according to Production Plan. 根據生產計劃進行日常工作分配。
- Other job assigned by manager .Report to department manager. 經理安排的其他工作;向部門經理彙報.
- In the past 10 years,the government has reformed the job assignment system by combining the students'own choices with the state's guarantee of jobs. 近10年來,政府對大學畢業生的分配製度作了改革,把大學畢業生自由選擇職業和國家保證大學畢業生就業結合起來。
- Universities and communist labour universities should be run by the provinces themselves,and each should work out its own methods. Also,graduates of these universities do not fall under the unified state plan for job assignment. 七二一大學、共產主義勞動大學,各省自己去搞,辦法由他們自己定,畢業生不屬國家統一分配範圍。
- Since the founding of New China,the government has followed the policy of unified job assignment for all college graduates and thus ensured that every one of them has the opportunity to work. 新中國建立后,政府對大學畢業生採取由國家統一分配的政策,保證每一個大學畢業生都有就業的機會。
- That demobbed soldiers shall enjoy a just-for-once job assignment from the government and those who wish to find jobs on their own be given subsidy in one lump sum. 城鎮退役士兵可享受政府一次性就業安置,對自謀職業的安置對象發給一次性經濟補助。
- Responsible for management, plan, Job Assignment and to classify department products files, to make various regulation based on designers or projects like: finance budget, prompting system, etc. 負責管理設計部的規劃、分配工作,建立設計部產品歸類文檔及規則制定,例如:財務預算制定、激勵考核制度等。
- The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates, both of their own free will. 作為對大學畢業生分配製度的改革, 雙向選擇制度意味著, 畢業生可以選擇用人單位, 用人單位也可以選擇畢業生, 雙方均出於自願。
- In the following chapters, we studied the method of building the parametrical model and the FEM analyzing.Then we complete the size optimization job in order to lighten the bogie. 在此基礎上完成了以輕量化為目標的轉向架結構尺寸優化,對優化的結果進行了靜力學分析,並與理論分析的結果相互驗證,得到了有實際應用價值的結論。
- Other jobs assigned by the Executive Assistant or General Manager. 行政助理或總經理交辦的其它事務。