- The audi alteram partem rule required that the person charged should have the opportunity of being heard in his own defence in a matter in which such right shall be worth what it is meant to be. "聽取雙方陳述"的原則要求被指控的人應該有機會在他值得行使陳述權的情況下充分行使。
- We hush our voices for fear of being heard. 因為害怕隔牆有耳,我們連說話也得放低聲音。
- I find my wife has something in her gizzard that only wants an opportunity of being provoked to bring it up. 我發覺老婆肚子里藏著什麼鬼胎,只在等候一個受到刺激的機會好把它發泄出來。
- We look forward to the opportunity of being of service to you. 期盼著有機會為您服務。
- She never misses an opportunity of being kind to him. 她從不放過體貼他的機會。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以聽見街上一陣噪囔的聲音。
- I look forward to this opportunity of being with you and the Chamber of Commerce members once again. 盼望再次有機會與你及商會的成員們會面。
- It's helpful for the investor to establish its core competence and gaining the opportunity of being the No.1 In leather shoes industry. 1、有助於投資方迅速構建核心能力,獲得在皮鞋行業稱王的機會;
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一陣自動步槍的掃射聲傳了過來。
- This competition will provide China's artistic and design community with the rare opportunity of being able to get personally involved the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. 此次徵集活動將為中國的藝術和設計界提供一個千載難逢的親自參與2008年北京奧運會的機會。
- The blare of horns could be heard in the distance. 可以聽到遠處傳來的號角聲。
- You will take it as an opportunity of being acquaintant with each other and take more time to know him queit well before falling love with him or something else irremediable. 我想,經常上網的人,或多或少都會遭遇一兩段網路情緣,所以,請大家通過這個話題,引用你或別人的遭遇和看法,告訴我們,網路情緣是愛還是傷害。
- Soon he have an opportunity of explain that to her. 不久他便有了向她解釋那件事的機會。
- Not only did he see an opportunity of being still only 37 when his darling reached 21, but he foresaw a painless way of passing the years which he must endure without her. 不僅他看見了一個他的親愛的達到21歲時他仍然是37歲的機會,而且他預見到一個沒有痛苦的方式來打發他必須忍受的沒有她的這幾年。
- We took the opportunity of visiting the palace. 我們趁便參觀了皇宮。
- They spoke in hushed tones and glanced cautiously about them fearful of being heard or observed. 他們談話的聲音壓得很低,還留神張望,怕有人聽到或注意到他們。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二廣播電台可在長波段收聽到。
- Without the labour of church planters and evangelists before us, you and I may not have had the opportunity of being saved by Christ, receiving discipleship training and serving in the ACEM family! 事實上,今天華基教會有超過六十多位牧師傳道,都在自己的母會蒙主呼召、接受培訓、實習和任命,在屬靈生命和心志成熟上逐漸長大,成為主合用的器皿。
- This is your big chance! ie your best opportunity of success. 這是你的大好機會!
- The case is listed to be heard next week. 該案已被列出供下周審理。