- Several ongoing open access online projects. 一些正在進行的項目,線上開放。
- Freedom of Information: Open Access or Empty Archives? 信息自由:開放途徑或空洞的檔案?
- Channel 9 provides direct, unfiltered, and open access to Microsoft's cockpit. 通過第9頻道,可以對Microsoft技術領域進行直接的無過濾開放式訪問。
- Libraries must build their own digital warehouses of open access information. 圖書館必須建立自己的開放獲取信息數字倉庫。
- One of the prerequisites for Open Access is the coverage of publication costs. 開放近用的先決條件之一,是可以承受其出版費用。
- One is self-archiving,that is,to establish open access repositories. 其中之一是自存檔,即建立開放存取倉儲。
- Topic#8: Open Access to Scholarly Publications: A Model for Enhanced Knowledge Management? 主題%23:開放學術出版物資源:提高知識管理的模式?
- Purpose: To provide open access to scholarly research materials and preservation of digital materials. 目的:提供對學術研究資源的開放獲取和保存數字資源。
- All water bodies that have a continuous flow of water throughout the year are managed as open access resources. 全年有不間斷流水的所有水體按對資源開放利用的形式管理。
- They have less knowledge about relevant Open Access journals and they almost never publish in these kinds of journals. 他們對開放近用期刊相關的知識很少,而且他們幾乎沒有出版這種種類的期刊。
- In archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions, the debate on Open Access will doubtlessly intensify. 在檔案館、博物館和其他文化遺產機構間,對開放近用的爭論,無疑地將愈來愈熱烈。
- These means should preferably be used for the authors' fees of Open Access journals or hybrid publications. 這些手段最好用於支付給作者的開放存取學刊或混合出版品的費用。
- Topic #8: Open Access to Scholarly Publications: A Model for Enhanced Knowledge Management? 主題%238:開放學術出版物資源:提高知識管理的模式?
- This document expresses a clear recommendation for the signatory states to legislate towards Open Access. 該文件明確地建議,簽署國應立法走向開放近用。
- CSDs and CCPs should have objective and publicly disclosed criteria for participation that permit fair and open access. 證券集中保管機構及集中交易對手應有客觀、公開揭露之參加標準,容許公平及公開加入。
- One such example of open access is a new policy adapted by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 資源共享的一個典型的例子就是加拿大衛生研究院的研究(CIHR)實施的一項新的政策。
- This paper probes into the organization and revelation of open access resources. 文章分析探討了開放存取資源的組織管理和揭示利用。
- Architecturally, the financial success of the enterprise is symbolised by the wide open access gates. 從建築表現上說,該企業業務成功的象徵是「大開的門」。
- The debate on open access is controversial and complex, with stakeholders displaying widely contrasting opinions. 開放近用的辯論是多面且複雜的,各方的意見相當分歧;
- Why the natural state is natural and why it is so difficult to transform to an open access society will be the focus of this lecture. 諾斯教授將會解釋,原始政體為何出現,從原始政體演變為開放社會的過程又為何如此艱巨。