- There's oodles of science in cooking. 烹飪中的學問大了。
- LL: Yes, like the oodles of old tennis balls I'll never use again. 不只是網球,還有那麼些舊雜誌,你怎麼會有這麼多雜誌呢?
- Yes, like the oodles of old tennis balls I'll never use again. 不只是網球,還有那麽些舊雜誌,你怎麽會有這麽多雜誌呢?
- We've got oodles of work to do before they come, and time is running out. 對了,你為什麽說我們沒有很多時間來收拾?我們今天還有別的事嗎?
- Another row, over who will stump up the oodles of extra cash that will be needed, is also simmering away. 關於誰將為額外支出買單的爭論也開始打的不可開交。
- The range of passing, phantom-like movement and oodles of time in possession were all still there. 健康的斯科爾斯很快的表現了影響力。傳球,鬼魅般的移動和激情還在。
- That gives the Fed 'oodles of time to unwind its balance sheet,' says Goldman Sachs. 高盛說,這使美聯儲有許多時間來清理其資產負債狀況。
- No one doubts that America's corporate-tax system is a Byzantine mess of high statutory rates and oodles of exemptions. 沒有人懷疑美國現行的公司稅系統是一團亂麻,它有著太高的法定稅率和太多的免除項目。
- With an old IBM computer, oodles of chutzpah and, it seems, help from multiple sidekicks. 一台IBM舊式電腦,足夠的厚顏無恥,還有來自左右手的幫助,足矣。
- Hollywood star Harrison Ford might be getting on in years, but he still has oodles of appeal. 好萊塢明星哈里森·福特也許有些老了,但是他的魅力仍不減當年。
- So it is entirely conceivable that social networking, like web-mail, will never make oodles of money. 所以電子郵件這樣的社交網路將完全可能沒辦法掙一大筆錢社交網路會像電子郵件一樣完全沒辦法實現大規模盈利。
- Don't include the fact that you're making oodles of money at the new job, even if it's true. 也不要寫你的新工作薪酬更高,即使這是事實也不要寫。
- No, no. Oodles and noodles may rhyme, but oodles means lots of something. LL: Yes, like the oodles of old tennis balls I'll never use again. 不只是網球,還有那麼些舊雜誌,你怎麼會有這麼多雜誌呢?
- In this fantastic video there are stories galore, songs to get everyone dancing,and oodles of fun with Pom, Fimbo, Florrie and their friends. 這套樂趣無窮的影碟除了充滿不同的故事,更有令大家想跳舞的歌曲,快來加入阿寶、飛寶、科莉還有他們的朋友吧!
- "We know that she had oodles of children with Albert and, according to her own account, lots of sex, and she was a young widow (at 42). 我們知道,女王與艾伯特親王有許多孩子,就像女王所說的,他們的夫妻生活很和諧。而當艾伯特親王去世后,女王年僅42歲,是個年輕的寡婦。」
- That lending is leading to unsustainable asset-price inflation, while wasteful investment is producing oodles of excess capacity. 這种放貸正引發不可持續的資產價格上漲,而投資的浪費,正在誘發產能過剩。
- A professor's life is pretty flexible, and he was able to spend oodles of time raising me.Could there be a better upbringing than university brat? 教授的生活是非常有彈性的,他有大量的時間培養我,哪裡有比在學校培養孩子更好的地方呢?
- Its dirty fellow Asians, notably China and India, also note that Japan probably has oodles of cash to spread around to combat climate change. 它的髒兮兮的亞洲夥伴們,特別是中國和印度,也意識到日本可能擁有大量的資金去應對氣候變化。
- The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions. 原譯:美國大量依賴於所得稅,更糟糕的是,大量減稅措施使稅收系統越來越複雜,稅基越來越小。
- Sure, financing is tight now, but these fields have oodles of potential, meaning the money will come as the economy rebounds. 是的,當前財務狀況緊縮,但是這些領域有很多潛力,也就意味著經濟反彈之後錢肯定會進來。