- Customers are encouraged to support one another through online communities. 我們鼓勵客戶通過在線社區互相支持。
- Would you use an online community service? 您使用網上社團提供的服務嗎?
- It turns out, Anti-SocialNetworking sites are spoofs of popular online communities. 現在看來,反社會化網路是對當下流行網站的惡搞。
- Other venture capitalists have been ladling cash into start-ups developing software applications for these online communities. 而如果時機太晚,不能盈利,企業則可能一蹶不振。
- Politics of genetically modified food, reproductive technologies, bioprospecting, organ transplant, online communities, or sampling. 轉基因食品政治,複製技術,生物勘探,器官移植,在線團體或抽樣。
- "Consumers in their own online communities are making conscious choices to spread Susan Boyle around online," Jenkins said. 無論何時何地,總有人在網上傳播著鮑以爾(的消息)。
- FOAF allows the expression of personal information and relationships, and is a useful building block for creating information systems that support online communities. FOAF允許表示個人信息和各種關係,它是一種創建支持在線社區的信息系統的有用構件。
- An extended meaning from the body language that represents a great admiration for someone elses view or action. This meaning is widely used in Chinese online communities. 在此基礎上,這種肢體語言也可以表示對某人的觀點或行動非常欽佩。這個意思在中國的網語中被廣泛的應用。
- MVPs are recognized for their past contributions to one or more online communities and many times are also prominent authors, developers, industry "gurus" or speakers. MVP因其以往對一個或多個在線社區的貢獻而獲此殊榮,並且在許多時候他們也是著名的作者、開發人員、業界「權威」或演講家。
- As wireless providers open up their networks, companies are beginning to build online communities for sharing music, photos, videos, and more over cell phones. 當無線供應商開放了他們的網路,一些公司就開始組建在線公社來共享音樂、圖片、視頻,並傳播給更多的手機用戶。
- Although my suggestions are certainly not the only solutions, I highlight techniques developed and proven through testing a FOAF software agent in online communities. 雖然我的建議不一定是唯一的解決方案,但我強調了通過在線社區測試FOAF軟體代理而開發和證實的技術。
- Analyst firm IDC said that the internal and external use of social networks by enterprises is maximising the business benefits of tapping into online communities. 分析公司IDC說,內部和外部使用的社會關係網,企業是最大的商業利益的進軍在線社區。
- What would happen,for instance,if in 10 years,the college student culture (those current youths who now worship the WB and live in pre- teen chat rooms) were to degenerate into a virtual existence of online communities and cohorts? 會有什麼情況發生呢?比如,10年內大學生文化(目前崇尚寬頻並且在少年聊天室生活的年輕人)是否會退化成在線群體和同伴的虛擬存在?
- Welcome to the GG-Game Community, one of the biggest online communities in the world. 歡迎您到GG-遊戲社區,其中最大的在線社區,在世界上。
- It took over one year to evolve a proper community structure. Creators should grow their online communities well before launch. 建立一個正常工作的社區結構用了超過一年的時間。
- Am I allowed for promoting my website to my friends at online chat or online community? (NOT ASKING CLICKS! 我可以通過聊天或者社區論壇向朋友推薦(不含點擊要求)我的網站么?
- Computers with web cam, mic and earphone are available in business room for video and audio online communications. 商務房間配備電腦,安裝有攝像頭、克風以及耳機,可進行視頻及語音聊天。
- You will also direct efforts to nurture our growing online community, through our BBS, polls, and events. 你也將負責通過我們的BBS、調查和事件管理來完善我們的網路社區。
- Netspeak is a new language variety used in online communication (especially on the Internet). 摘要網路語言是用於網上(特別是網際網路)交際的一種新興的語言變體。
- To evict a user from an online community would be like banishing that person to the outskirts of town. 趕走一個用戶從一個在線社區,將像放逐人向郊區的城市。