- He was brought up by his paternal aunt. 他是由姑姑撫養成人的。
- I was brought up by my paternal aunt. 我是我姑姑撫養成人的。
- This kind "wrestle" more intense, in the paternal aunt maternal home person is happier. 這種「格鬥」越激烈,姑娘家裡的人越高興。
- Her paternal aunt, Mrs. Varian, once spread the rumor that Isabel was writing a book. 她的姑媽瓦里安太太有一次散布謠言,說伊莎貝爾正在寫一本書。
- Until the summer, he brings when red small goes to Shenzhen, little red paternal aunt had discovered daughter's unusuality, he then knew the daughter was pregnant. 直到暑期,他帶小紅去深圳時,小紅的姑姑發現了女兒的異常,他這才知道女兒懷孕了。
- husband of paternal aunt ; paternal uncle-in-la 姑丈;姑父
- husband of paternal aunt | uncle 姑丈
- My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake. 我姑母把她的一支胸針送給我作記念。
- maternal uncle and paternal aunt 舅姑
- My aunt give me one of her brooch as a keepsake. 我的姑母把她的一隻胸針送給我作紀念。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- Nurse does not have the means that to guarantee that the US ultra wound restoration, has to let two paternal aunts signatures, agreed that ties up his hand cannot move heedlessly. 護士沒辦法,為保證美超傷手的恢復,只好讓二姑簽字,同意將他的手綁住不能亂動。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那隻死鹿的半邊身子都被子彈擊中。
- one's paternal aunt 姑母
- This is only one instance out of many. 這不過是許多例子中的一個。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。