- I saw you old boss the other day and he still speaks well of you. 前幾天我見到你原來的老闆,他仍然很稱讚你。
- Now he' s left, she' s always slagging off her old boss. 因原老闆已走了; 她就一個勁兒地褒貶他.
- Now he's left, she's always slagging off her old boss. 因原老闆已走了,她就一個勁兒地褒貶他。
- My old boss recommended me for a new job. 我以前的老闆給我推薦了一份新工作。
- My old boss left a deep impression on me. 我對老經理的印象特別深。
- She' s old and infirm and has to keep to the house. 她因年老體弱而足不出戶.
- It' s hard to keep track of ( ie maintain contact with ) all one' s old school friends. 與中學時的所有老校友都保持聯繫是很困難的.
- One shall never make one 's debut with a scandal; one shall reserve that to give interest to one 's old age . 切勿以醜聞登台亮相,這是應該留下來以娛晚年的。
- Now he's left, she's always slaggingoff her old boss. 因原老闆已走了,她就一個勁兒地褒貶他。
- Now he's left,she's always slagging off her old boss. 因原老闆已走了;她就一個勁兒地褒貶他.
- One shall never make one 's debut with a scandal; one shall reserve that to give interest to one 's old age. 切勿以醜聞登台亮相,這是應該留下來以娛晚年的。
- I saw your old boss the other day and he still speaks well of you. 前幾天我見到你原來的老闆,他仍然很稱讚你。
- As the suspense builds toward a gripping climax,it soon becomes clear that at the Farm,the CIA's old maxims are true: trust no one,and nothing is as it seems. 隨著懸念發展到引人入勝的高潮,一切都變得清晰了。在"農場",中情局的古老格言是正確的:不要相信任何人,凡事皆非其表象。
- Islanders buried the man in the island』s Old European Cemetery. 島民把它埋在過去歐洲人的公墓。
- The partner strategy is a page from Microsoft』s old playbook. 與這些夥伴的戰略關係還是遵照微軟的老辦法簽署。
- The old boss left such a mess behind, nobody has a good way to clear it up. 舊老闆屁股一拍走了,留下這麼一個爛攤子,誰也沒有什麼好辦法。
- A man is as faithful as his opportunities. Take your old boss, for examlie. 中文字幕:忠實只是沒有機會。就拿你原來的老闆來說吧。
- Alan(Don Cheadle),a dentist ,Charlie』s old college roommate,Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief. Alan整日陪著自己的老婆做著老婆喜歡而自己並不習慣的事情;壓抑;不自由.
- The rejuvenation of the northeastern provinces, China』s old industrial base and one of its most labor-intensive areas, appears to be Li』s regional focus. 對於區域發展,李似乎更關注是中國密集人口聚集地之一的東北老工業基地的復興。
- After a terse meeting between Kimmy and her old boss, Cage tells her that her alienating personality won't sit well with the jury. 甘美與她的舊上司見面之後,約翰告訴她性格有點孤僻,並建議她放開一點。