- My ears are singing. 我有些耳鳴。
- My ears are still singing from the noise. 我的耳朵由於那噪音仍在嗡嗡作響。
- My ears are tingling [humming; ringing; singing]. 我耳鳴。
- Merry songsters are singing carols. 歡樂的歌手們正在唱頌歌。
- One day, your ears are no longer annoying someone said, detests. 某一天,你的耳邊不再有人說煩人,討厭。
- My ears are not attuned to Japanese music yet. 我的耳朵還不習慣聽日本音樂。
- The kettle was singing (away) on the cooker. 水壺在爐子上發出嗚嗚聲。
- You cannot make a silk purse out of a SOW S ear. 母豬耳不能做成絲錢包。
- Mathews and Tyler are singing and dancing. 馬修斯和泰勒在唱歌跳舞。
- You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow?s ear. 烏鴉窩裡出不了鳳凰。
- The birds are singing in the tree. 樹上的鳥兒在歌唱。
- His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city. 他已經聽習慣大城市的嘈雜聲了。
- It is a bold mouse that nestles in the cat』s ear. 初生牛犢不怕虎。
- She was singing a lullaby to her child. 她正在給孩子唱搖籃曲。
- His ears are attuned to the noise of a bug city . 他已經聽慣大城市的嘈雜聲了。
- They were singing in a frenzy of joy. 他們欣喜若狂地高聲歌唱。
- The kettle was singing on the fire. 水壺在火上絲絲作響。
- Somewhere the birds are singing evermore. 永遠有鳥兒的歌聲響徹長空。
- We/Our ears are becoming attuned to the noise of the new factory nearby. 我們[我們的耳朵]逐漸適應了附近新工廠的雜訊。
- The lecturer dung his notion into the audience』s ears. 演講者把他的想法反反覆復灌輸給聽眾。