- Rosemary is also sometimes placed on graves to symbolize that a loved one will never be forgotten. 有時人們會將迷迭香放在墓前,象徵深愛的人永遠不會被遺忘。
- His lust for power will never be satisfied. 他的權力欲永不能得到滿足。
- Honesty will never be at a discount. 誠實永遠是受歡迎的。
- Harry believes the mystery of Diana's death will never be solved: "Whatever happened in that tunnel, no one will ever know. 哈里王子認為自己母親的死將永遠是個迷,他說道「隧道中究竟發生了什麼,沒有人會知道的。」
- He will never be let in on the arrangements without our consent. 如果沒有我們的同意,永遠也不會讓他知道這種安排。
- Long awaited One will never return. 人們長久期待的那人將不會回來。
- With one monster still free, the curse will never be broken. 只要有一隻魔獸在逃,詛咒就無法解除。
- The excesses committed by the invaders will never be forgotten. 人們永遠不會忘記侵略軍犯下的暴行。
- Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized. 他們的這種痴心妄想是永遠也不會實現的。
- The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted. 這個建議完全是荒唐可笑的,根本不可能採納。
- One advantage of solar energy is that it will never be used up. 太陽能的一個優點是用之不竭。
- You will never be good students so long as you goof around. 如果你們成天遊手好閒,就永遠也成不了好學生。
- If you depend too much upon others you will never be able to walk tall. 要是你過分依賴別人,你就永遠挺不起腰桿來走路。
- A kite will never be a good hawk. 鳶永不會變成隼。
- They will never be able to realize their ambitions. 他們的野心是永遠也不能得逞的。
- If one does not do anything shameful, one will never show a hangdog look. 假如一個人不做丟臉事,就不會有羞愧的神色。
- He will never be vanquished by argument. 無論你怎樣辯論也說服不了他。
- His heinous crimes will never be forgotten. 他的滔天罪行人們永遠也不會忘記。
- You will never be the ruler of the Olympus. 你永遠不會成為奧林匹斯的王者,是時候在這裡劃上句號了。
- There will never be a second chance. 不會再有第二次機會了。