- For those who are ascending, the human hologram has been edited as of late to contain two scripts; one for death and one for ascension. 對那些正在提升者,人類的全息圖最近被編輯成包含兩個劇本:其一為死亡,其一為提升。
- This Alert summarizes four case reports: one death and several incidents of asthma or other respiratory disease following exposure to MDI during sprayon truck bed lining operations. 這項警告提出四個案例報告:一人死亡及多起氣喘及呼吸器官疾病與卡車車床內襯噴塗過程之MDI暴露有關。
- The choice lies between death and dishonor. 必須在死和羞辱之間作一抉擇。
- He had to choose between death and dishonour. 他必須在死亡和屈辱之間作出選擇。
- Two brown loaves and one large white one, please. 請拿兩個黑麵包和一個大的白麵包。
- It begins with three short notes and one long one. 這樂曲以三個短音符和一人長音符開始。
- The car has four forward gear and one reverse gear. 那汽車有四個前進擋和一個倒擋。
- The TV cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest. 進行逮捕時正好有電視攝像機錄下了這場面。
- They got five hits and one miss. 他們五次擊中,一次未中。
- I've got a hundred and one things to do today. 今天我有好多事要做。
- The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country. 敵人的狂轟濫炸在這個國家造成了空前的死亡和破壞。
- A person has one head and one neck. 每人都有一個頭,一個脖子。
- One death is blamed on high winds. 強風的襲擊已經造成一人死亡。
- The sum of one pound and one shilling. 相當於一磅一先令的數額
- Life is a continuous course of death and revival. 生命是連續不斷的死亡與復活。
- The car has four forward gears and one reverse gear. 那汽車有四個前進擋和一個倒擋。
- He made grim jokes about death and ghosts. 他講了些有關死與鬼的令人毛骨悚然的笑話。
- We'll have one room with a bathroom and one room without. 我們要有一間帶浴室的屋子,還要有一間不帶浴室的。
- You have to choose between death and dishonor. 你須在死與失節間做一選擇。
- He was ready to face both death and torture. 他準備好面對死亡和酷刑。