We haven't found the solution yet, but I'm sure we're on the right track. 我們還沒有找到解決辦法,但我肯定我們的思路是對的。
Are we on the right road? 我們走的路對嗎?
The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往該村的道路向右轉為一條小路。
You can go up the staircase on the right. 你可以從右邊樓梯上去。
The Senate started on the right fool. In1986, it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers. That seemed fair because the100 senators represent the same total number of constituents as the435 House members. 參院走出了正確的第一步。1986年把參院的免費郵件預算限制在參眾兩院該項預算總和的半數。100位參議員與435位眾議員的選民人數一樣,所以看來這是公平的做法。