- "I'll not hang all my bells on one horse, " said old Mrs. Sampson. 年邁的桑普森嚴太太說,"我不會把全部財產留給一個兒子。"
- He is on his high horse these days. 他這幾天趾高氣揚地。
- She appeared to be on her high horse to-night. 她今晚看上去趾高氣揚。
- One can congratulate oneself on one's victories. 一個人也可以自己慶祝自己的勝利。
- Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him. 亨利認為他總是對的,如果有人敢於反駁他的話,他就擺出一副盛氣凌人的架勢。
- Nancy came down off her high horse and make friends with them. 南希放下架子,與他們交起了朋友。
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同學。
- Success usually attends on one』s effort. 成功常伴隨努力而來。
- After his mother died he came down off his high horse. 自他母親死後,他就不再趾高氣揚了。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我們的花園有一邊以小河為界。
- When two ride on one horse,one must ride behind. 兩人共騎一匹馬,總須一人坐後頭。
- When two ride on one horse,one must sit behind. [諺]兩人騎一匹馬,總得有一個坐在後面。
- Please write on one side of the paper only. 請寫在這張紙的一面上。
- My father was on his high horse because he had lost his job. 我父親情緒很不好,因為他失業了。
- The one-year-old boy cannot stand on one leg. 這1歲的小男孩還不會單腿站。
- Yesterday s high was ninety eight degrees. 昨天的最高溫度是九十八度。
- Write on one side of the paper only. 只在紙的一面寫字。
- There was some disagreement,and she got on her high horse. 出現某些不同意見,她就生氣。
- Friendship should not be all on one side. [諺]友誼靠雙方。
- He is a bit too fond of mounting the high horse. 他這個人有點喜歡擺架子。