the state of being omniscient; having infinite knowledge
用作名詞 (n.)
History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience. 歷史是對於全能全知幻覺最好的解毒藥。
In such a climate of potential omniscience, the crypto-rebels yearn for true anonymity. 在這種潛在的全知型空間,密碼反叛者渴望真正的匿名。
We even become vain of our squirrel's hoard of knowledge and regard increasing age itself as a school of omniscience. 我們甚至對自己一點點淺薄的知識感到沾沾自喜,而把與日俱增的年齡看作是培養無所不知的天然學堂。