- The content of information exchange is the super vertexes composed of several vertexes, no longer being the best solutions or the matrix of pheromone. 在該演算法中,處理機之間交流的內容不再是最優解或信息素矩陣,而是由若干個頂點組合成的超頂點,從而改變了計算粒度;
- This paper summarizes the kinds and function of odorant, functions of pheromone, kin recognition ability, and recognition mechanism. 本文從氣味源的種類及功能、信息素的功能、親屬識別能力以及機制4個方面綜述了當前的研究進展。
- This paper develops a new method for self-adaptive decision fusion based on Bayesian, which estimates target by accumulation and volatility strategy of pheromone as ant-colony. 該文在貝葉斯融合演算法的基礎上模擬蟻群利用信息素的積累與揮髮結合擇優策略估計目標,從而實現自適應決策融合。
- By use of the properties of pheromone of ant colony algorithm, an ant colony algorithm based on multiplicate pheromone is proposed to solve the traveling salesman problems(TSP). 根據蟻群演算法信息素更新的特性,提出了求解旅行商問題的多樣信息素的蟻群演算法。
- Ant colony algorithm(ACA) is an intelligence-optimized algorithm coming from the illumination of food-seeking behavior by ants based on the shortest route of pheromone. 蟻群演算法是受自然界螞蟻覓食過程中,基於信息素的最短路徑搜索食物行為的啟發提出的一種智能優化演算法。
- In this paper, the performance of ACA is approved by dynamically adjusting evaporation rate of pheromone and applying the global updating rule of the best and the worst path. 針對以上缺陷,本文提出一種通過動態地調整信息素的揮發度和採用最優、最差路徑信息素全局更新策略得以克服。
- The studies on the effects of pheromones from gregarious and solitary locusts on aggregation behavior of solitary locusts were performed using electroantennography(EAG) and olfactometer bioassay. 採用行為生物測定和觸角電位測定(EAG)的方法對來自於群居型和散居型蝗蟲的化學信息素對散居型東亞飛蝗聚集行為的影響進行了初步研究。 研究結果認為,群居型蝗蝻糞便釋放出的化學信息素對散居型蝗蝻有明顯的聚集作用;
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能夠讓你相信我的誠意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少許憂鬱的氣質。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。
- Furthermore, according to the features of the pheromone strewing when solving the problem by ant colony algorithm, the strewing method and updating strategy of pheromone were reconstructed. 此外,根據蟻群演算法處理本問題時信息素散播的特點,重構了信息素的更新策略和散播方式。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 這種小麥可以在寒冷的春天生長。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚飯衝下去。
- Meanwhile,a pheromone diffusion model based on info fountain of a path is established to faithfully reflect the strength field of pheromone diffusion,it strengthens the collaboration among ants. 其次,以螞蟻經過的路徑(直線段)作為信息素擴散濃度場的信源,改善了信息素擴散模型,強化了螞蟻間的協作和交流。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前幾天我買了雙棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未達到我的期望。
- The concept of pheromone in Ant Colony Optimization have introduced to Evolutionary Algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems, a Gene Optimized Algorithm (GOA) is presented. 摘要從蟻群演算法中得到啟示,將信息素的觀點引入到求解組合優化問題的演化演算法之中,提出了一種基因優化演算法。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。
- He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他強調小心駕駛的重要性。