- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死於體溫過低。
- Old people are sometimes forgetful. 老人有時愛忘事。
- Old people are not acceptive of new ideas. 老年人不容易接受新的觀念。
- Old people like to wear moccasins. 老人喜歡穿軟皮鞋。
- A humane society always does well by its old people. 一個仁慈的社會對待老人總是很好。
- Many young people think old people are too proper. 許多年輕人認為老人太循規蹈矩。
- Old people need warm clothes in winter. 老年人冬季需要暖和的衣服。
- He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle old people out of a few pence. 他就是這麼個傢伙,自甘墮落去騙老人們的幾文錢。
- Old people are hardest hit by the rising cost of living. 生活費用上升,老年人最受影響。
- Old people are usually more conservative than young people. 老年人通常比年輕人保守。
- Fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people. 老年人腿骨骨折有可能成為嚴重疾患。
- The old people are shocked by the new freedom in movies and novels. 老人們為電影和小說的大膽感到震驚。
- The houses are specifically designed for old people. 這些房子是專為老年人設計的。
- Their scam was selling fake Chinese medicine to old people. 他們的騙局是賣假中藥給老人。
- Older people prefer ballads to pop music. 年紀大一些的人喜歡民歌,而不喜歡流行音樂。
- The thugs who rob old people are beneath contempt. 搶劫老人東西的惡棍極其卑鄙。
- Old people should face up to the fact that they are no longer young. 老年人應該勇敢地承認和面對不再年輕這一事實。
- The two old people shimmered in brief rainbows. 老兩口的臉在短暫的霓虹中微微閃光。
- Many old people find the bikini immodest. 許多老年人感到穿比基尼式游泳服不正派。
- Old people awaken early in the morning. 老人早晨醒得早。