- The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺院中圓寂。
- The old monk is knowledgeable and famous. 老僧人才學廣博,聲名遠揚。
- But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel. 但走入看時;只有一個龍鍾老僧在那裡煮粥.
- The old monk is tonsuring the young monk with his knife. 老和尚用戒刀為小和尚剃度。
- The old monk is about50 years old, with mustache in his face. 那個老和尚50多歲年紀;有鬍子的.
- In the dark night it loomed like an old monk in meditation. 在暗夜中,它的形狀隱然如老僧入定一般。
- Kasyapa, the right retinue of Sakyamuni, is an old monk in the Hall of Mahavira. 迦葉又被中國佛教禪宗尊為傳承佛法的第二代祖師,稱禪宗西天初祖。
- Here, a scene of a rock resembling an old monk watching the sea under the opposite Rongcheng Peak is seen. 在百步雲梯處可看見在對面的榕城峰下有一塊老僧望海石。
- The old monk only half believed what he said, but he still wanted to have a try. 老和尚將信將疑,又捨不得好事,當晚就試驗。
- There stood a mountain, on which there used to be a temple, in which there lived an old monk. 從前有座山,山上有座廟,廟裡有個老和尚。
- After the old monks death, the fool monk got the imperial edict. 老和尚一死,傻和尚得了天書。
- The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺廟中修身養性。
- The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple to recite the lection. 老和尚經常帶著小和尚到寺院外面的山坡上誦讀經文。
- The old monk said,"Whatever you do,only when you leave time behind you can you focus on it selflessly. 小和尚按照師父的話背著太陽誦讀經文;漸漸地他就忽略了時間的流逝.
- Like an old monk in a vivid cassock head dropped and eyes shut, is being baptized in the rain. 桔紅色的房屋,像披著鮮艷的袈裟的老僧,垂頭合目,受著雨底洗禮。
- It was deathly silent in the little temple, which was apparently uninhabited except for this one old monk. 四下里萬籟無聲,這小廟中似乎就只這個老僧。
- An old monk in a temple down my lane had inserted tiny bamboo flutes into the tail-feathers of his flock of pigeons. 但是,印象最深的,久久縈繞的鳥叫聲是人工的。
- Old monk from tea to kids, full of tea, he has continued to do, kids, masters, tea Manchurian! 老和尚過來給小和尚倒茶,茶滿了,他還繼續倒,小和尚說,師傅,茶滿了!
- The old monk said,」 Whatever you do, only you leave time behind you can you focus on it selflessly. 老和尚說:「無論做什麽事,只有把時間放在身後,才能做到全神貫注,達到壹種忘我的境界。」