- You detect that, an Okie nuttiness? 你發現了?一個瀟洒的俄克拉荷馬州人?
- You detected that, an Okie nuttiness? 你嘗到了嗎,帶有橡木香氣果仁味的?
- As he puts it, in an Okie drawl: 「I've been an oilman all my life. 皮肯斯以俄克拉荷馬州的長腔表示:「我一生都在從事石油方面的工作。
- The room still okie, but the servise is not so well enough... 男孩一直打電話給女孩可是女孩沒接。
- Okie, on top have some raisin and the onion, the taste is sour. 哈哈!!因為有葡萄乾,所以上面紅紅的味道是酸的。
- It is single digits with a minus zero windchill here in Okie land. Need a heavy bear rug in the teepee tonight 心情: adventurous 星期三。
- OkI'll try to consult with the person beside him to exchange seats with you. 行,我盡量和他邊上的那個人商量一下,和您換個位子。
- Josephus alqoritm made using microsoft studio 2008The implementation is oki. (譯):約瑟夫alqoritm使用微軟工作室2008The執行沖電氣。
- Oki Electric is expected by the end of 2008 the commercialization NX4300. 沖電氣預計2008年底商品化NX4300。
- Hi everyone, let's have Age/Sex/Location check, okie? Thanx for ur cooperation! Start frm me then ... 嗨!大家好;來個性別/年齡/住址/國籍調查;好不好?謝謝合作!首先就由我先開始吧...
- Hi everyone, let's have Age/Sex/Location check, okie? Thanx for ur cooperation! I will be the first to start then ... 嗨!大家好;來個性別/年齡/住址/國籍調查;好不好?謝謝合作!首先就有我先開始吧...
- Really?Hmmm...OKI got it.Given the choicewould you rather have a rice cake or a Big Mac? 真的嗎?哦......好我知道了.下面二選一.給你米餅和巨無霸你要吃哪一個?
- OKI is giving a UK debut to its new colour printer, the C9850, at this year's Total Print! 沖電氣給英國推出其新的彩色印表機, C9850 ,在今年的總列印!
- Police were called as soon as the bag was opened, Oki said, and the remains are being tested for DNA. 東京電視台一位發言人說:「許多觀眾對我們播放的卡通片很感興趣,當我們決定改播世兵賽後接到了許多觀眾的抱怨。
- OKI C9800n can handle a variety of small digital quick printing business, large business directly to digital factory. 並通過自身經營規模的不同,對現有客戶進行細分。
- Ka whakama hoki ratou i nga oki i matenuitia e koutou, numinumi kau koutou i nga kari i whiriwhiria e koutou. 那 等 人 必 因 你 們 所 喜 愛 的 橡 樹 抱 愧 ;你 們 必 因 所 選 擇 的 園 子 蒙 羞 。
- Kawamura, who is relocating to London as part of the appointment, will be charged with building on the OKI's distribution strategy in the EMEA region. 川村,誰是搬遷到倫敦的一部分,任命,將收取的建設OKI的分銷戰略中的歐洲,中東和非洲地區。
- However, almost all the speech synthesis chips we used are designed and produced by some famous semiconductor producer like OKI and NEC. 但是國內設計和生產語音合成晶元的廠家聊聊無幾,市場上所見到的基本上都是國外的產品。
- Oki, and Douglas Terry, Using collaborative filtering to weave an information tapestry, Communications of the ACM, Volume 35, Issue 12, pp61-70, 1992. 馮文正,合作式網站推薦系統,陀利交通大學信息科學研究所,民國89年。
- We expect to scale our use of the OVM to other project teams in OKI, reducing the time and cost to verify our high-quality products. 我們希望將OVM 的使用推廣到OKI 的其他項目團隊,以減少花在驗證我們高品質產品上的時間和成本。」