- Beijing food is rich but not greasy. 北京菜油重但不覺得油膩。
- Shanghai Ronghua Chicken, exceptionally fresh and tender, tasty, fat But not greasy, is suitaBle for the old and young. 上海榮華雞,滋味特別鮮嫩,味道酥軟可口,油而不膩,老幼皆宜。
- It is rich but not greasy, can effectively prevent hands from dehydration. Use frequently to keep hands smooth and soft. 大概是這樣的吧:這種產品含水豐富,但不油膩,可防止手肌膚因脫水而粗糙的現象。如果經常使用,可以使你的手保持光滑白嫩柔軟。
- The red date panocha, pineapple cake and nougat he makes by using traditional handmade methods are unique -- tasty, but not greasy. 他遵循古法手工製造的紅棗核桃糕、鳳梨酥、牛軋糖,風味獨特,好吃不甜膩。
- Claret its color, shape oval, meat rotten glue, fat but not greasy, thin rather than firewood, mellow taste from others. 其色澤棗紅,形狀橢圓,肉爛膠粘,肥而不膩,瘦而不柴,香醇味美,別有風味。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 這些東西的區別只是大小不同而實質一樣。
- This deep-fried potato chips, color, appearance, aroma assail the nostrils, Cui Xiang and delicious to eat together, but not greasy oil. 這種油炸洋芋片,色澤美觀,香味撲鼻,吃起來脆香可口,油而不膩。
- Tianshui box with a crisp soft lard, the taste of flavor and beautiful color, but not greasy oil, crisp but not broken, and other characteristics. 天水豬油盒具有酥脆鬆軟、滋味濃香、色澤艷麗、油而不膩、酥而不碎等特點。
- I also would like some hair oil, but not too greasy. 我也想買些髮油,但不要太油的。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虛名的教授。
- It was a misty morning, but not very cold. 這是一個多霧的清晨,但不太冷。
- I understood the tenor of his speech but not the details. 我懂得他講話的大意,但不懂其中的細節。
- I will write to you of course, but not every week. 我當然會寫信給你,但不是每星期都寫。
- We deal in hardware but not software. 我們只經營硬體而不經營軟體。
- In that case, the food should be cold, not greasy. 醫生:這樣的話,冷食及少油的食物好些。
- He equals me in strength but not in intelligence. 他在氣力方面和我相等,但在智力方面卻不如我。
- I'm good at history but not so hot at arithmetic. 我的歷史成績不錯,但算術不太好。
- He snatched at the book but not quick enough. 他想搶走那本書,但動作不夠快。
- He kept the letter of the law but not the spirit. 他遵守法律的字麵條文,而不是其精神實質。