- We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我們裝運的油大多數是散裝的。
- BR>We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我們裝運的油多數是散裝的。
- Will you supply main engine lube oil in bulk or in barrel? 你供的主機滑油是散裝,還是桶裝。
- Objective: Establishing methods for distinguish Hogwash fat in bulk, fied old oil and eligibility vegetable oil to administrate the inferior oil in the food and drinking trade. 摘要目的:為加強對餐飲業劣質油監督管理,建立散裝再生油、煎炸老油與合格植物油的鑒別方法。
- Insurance clauses are drawn up to cater for different kinds of commodities such as general cargo,refrigerated cargo,oil in bulk,live animals and poultry,and other goods. 保險條款乃是適應各種商品情況而制訂的,例如雜貨、冷藏貨、散裝油、活牲畜家禽,以及其他貨物。
- Insurance clauses are drawn up to cater for different kinds of commodities such as general cargo, refrigerated cargo, oil in bulk, live animals and poultry, and other goods. 保險條款乃是適應各種商品情況而制訂的,例如雜貨、
- Objective:Establishing methods for distinguish Hogwash fat in bulk,fied old oil and eligibility vegetable oil to administrate the inferior oil in the food and drinking trade. 目的:為加強對餐飲業劣質油監督管理,建立散裝再生油、煎炸老油與合格植物油的鑒別方法。
- In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. 在大多數市場上可買到散裝新鮮水果。
- Half the oil in the lamp had burnt away. 油燈中一半的油已經燒掉了。
- It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk. 散裝運送貨物更方便。
- There were prospecting for oil in the desert. 他們那時正在沙漠中勘探石油。
- a ship designed to carry oil in bulk. 設計來運送桶裝油的船。
- Mr Hobbs bought food in bulk at the local cash and carry. 霍布斯先生在本地一家現購自運式商店購買了大量食品。
- Your engine will seize up if you don't put some more oil in. 你再不加些潤滑油,發動機就要卡住了。
- Grain is often transported in bulk. 穀物常以散裝運輸。
- It comes cheaper if you buy thing in bulk. 成批買東西價格會便宜些。
- Buy food in bulk at the local cash and carry. 在本地現購自運式商店購買了大量食品。
- The hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand. 鍋里的熱油飛濺出來落在了我的手上。
- The goods will be shipped in bulk. 此貨將散裝發運。
- It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk. 成批買東西就便宜些.