- As the name suggests, the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TDWR was purposely built to serve the terminal area of the airport. 機場多普勒天氣雷達,顧名思義,是專為機場服務的多普勒天氣雷達。
- Research advances and development of terminal area energy management are reviewed in this paper, and it developes a track plan for the TAEM. 摘要簡要介紹了末端能量管理的研究情況,然後對末端能量管理段進行軌跡規劃。
- Station design depends on the operating need, and includes design of the terminal area, tracks, turnouts, platforms, and others. 站場配線則依運轉需求,配置各式站房、股道、各型道岔、月台等。
- The main contents: airport configuration, airport airside capacity and delay.Geometric design of the airfield planning and design of the terminal area. 主要內容為:航空站型式、空側設施容量與延滯分析、空側設施幾何設計、客貨場站之規劃設計等。
- Then to runway, terminal area, en route and airport ground separately, we establish corresponding capacity evaluation models and develop the methods of their capacity evaluation. 進而從理論上探討了機場跑道、終端區、航路和地面的容量評估模型,提出了其容量評估方法;
- To research the trajectory design method for terminal area energy management(TAEM) of reusable launch vehicle(RLV),the method basing on nonlinear equations of motion is designed. 為了研究重複使用運載器末端能量管理段的下滑軌跡線設計,給出了基於高度和動壓的質點動力學的設計方法。
- This article introduces the fundamental theory of inclined electrostatic field inthe HI-13 tandem accelerator and the beam optics in the accelerating tube,describes the arrangement of the electrodes in the terminal area. 本文介紹了HI-13串列加速器的斜場加速原理及加速管中的束流光學、頭部區域的大致結構。
- Simulation results indicate that the result of total aircraft delay cost optimization is satisfactory and application of the algorithm to the aircraft sequencing in terminal area is feasible. 模擬結果表明,航班總延誤成本的優化結果是令人滿意的,該演算法在終端區飛機動態排序問題中的應用是可行的。
- To research the trajectory design method for terminal area energy management (TAEM) of reusable launch vehicle (RLV), the method basing on nonlinear equations of motion is designed. 摘要為了研究重複使用運載器末端能量管理段的下滑軌跡線設計,給出了基於高度和動壓的質點動力學的設計方法。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把車開進了停車區。
- Club also has a shuttle bus between the airport and terminal areas very convenient, whether you are on business or leisure vacation can make you feel very comfortable facilities. 會所還設有穿梭巴士往返機場及碼頭,交通十分便利,無論您是商務公幹還是休閑度假,都能使您感到十分舒適便利。
- The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工資會被通貨膨脹所抵銷。
- TASC Terminal Area Sequence and Control 終端區域的順序與控制
- The interstitial nucleus was also the terminating area of the primary afferent fibers of lingual and inferior orbital nerves. 同時,此核又是TGN的舌神經和眶下神經初級傳入的投射部位。
- Terminal area sequence and control 終端存儲區域排序和控制
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 該貧民區之污穢骯髒簡直令人難以置信。
- He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials. 他提高了售價以補償材料成本的增加。
- I'll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪你到公共汽車終點站。
- Please wait for me at the bus terminal. 請在公共汽車終點站等我。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席捲了這一地區,滿目一片瘡痍。