- Since Xinhai revulation,the last impel Puyi decided to resign,It symbolized that severals years of feudal dynasties of China had been ended. 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥儀決定退位,標誌著中國幾千年封建王朝的結束。
- The Imperial Edict: An Epitome of Feudal Dynasties 聖旨,封建王朝的背影
- A large number of land, population is brought into book of feudal dynasty edition, suffer those who shed an official is direct and regnant exploit. 大量土地、人口被納入封建王朝版籍,受流官的直接統治剝削。
- As a official document, the veritable records of shunzhi period extracts in the interest of emperor's figure and power of feudal dynasty from original text. 另由檔案與文獻角度比較,發現作為原檔的《舊滿洲檔》記錄情況比較客觀,作為官方文獻《太祖武皇帝實錄》則是從原檔選擇有利於太祖皇帝形象和皇朝權力的內容。
- After the Xinhai Revolution,the last emperor of Qing Dynasty,PuYi,was decided to resign,which represented the ending of thousands of feudal dynasty in China. 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥儀決定退位,標誌著中國幾千年封建王朝的結束。
- Officials of the company are perusing the deal. 公司的負責人員正在仔細考慮這項交易。
- Company officials of tesa tape, inc. 公司官員德莎膠帶公司。
- Is Mrs Xianglin a typical widow of feudal morality? 祥林嫂是節婦典型嗎?
- Today, company officials of tesa tape, inc. 今天,公司的官員德莎膠帶公司。
- Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring. 美國以及其他發達國家的官員說,將保護科技(以阻止外流)與對付飢餓問題混為一談是在混淆視聽。
- An unconsolidated political group--An analysis of the psychology of feudal officials of humble origin in the Southern Dynasty 未及整合的政治群體--南朝寒門、寒人入政心態剖析
- They are in with the influential officials of the government. 他們和政府有勢力的官員們交往甚密。
- Qing dynasty was the ripest period of feudal bureaucrat system. 清代是封建官僚體系之集大成者,其膳食官員也多於前代。
- He took with him a few of the officials of the court. 他帶領著幾個宮廷大臣同行。
- After XinHai revolution, FUYI,the last emperor of China , decided to abdicate, this indicate the end of feudalistic dynasty which have existed in China for thousands of years. 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥儀決定退位,標誌著中國幾千年封建王朝的結束。
- Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy. 內間者,因其官人而用之。
- After Xinhai Revolution the last Emperor desided to abdicate,which marks the end of several thousand feudal dynasties. 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥儀決定退位,標誌著中國幾千年封建王朝的結束。
- Officials of all kinds have descended on the settlement. 各種各樣的官兒已經屈尊駕臨這個住宅區了。
- An official of the local government called to see him. 當地政府一位官員來看他。
- Hunan, also known as the Home of Red Mandarin Oranges, has a long history of producing the fruits which were paid as tributes to the feudal dynasties in the past. 我省出產柑桔歷史悠久,封建時候就有柑桔進貢,稱為紅桔之鄉。