- The families that had enriched themselves in the previous generation now scrambled for official posts and honours. 那些在上一代已經發財致富的家庭,現在都轉來爭奪官職和榮譽。
- The names of these organizations and official posts were decided by the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. 所有機構和官職的名稱都是元朝中央規定的。
- He summoned him to the capital city and appointed him to an official post. 特地將他召回京城任職。
- Empress avoid suspicion he get rid of the political whirlpool, quit all official posts, in Fuchu, played a two run Kunshan cavity troupe, indulge in sensual of entertainment. 他為避慈禧的猜忌,擺脫政治漩窩,辭掉一切官職,在府中辦起了兩個崑山腔戲班,沉湎於聲色之娛。
- North Korea has viciously attacked Mr.Lee, calling him a 「national traitor,」 cutting off official dialogue and reducing traffic across the countries』 heavily armed border. 朝鮮猛烈抨擊這位新官,稱之為「民族的叛徒」 ,並單方面中止雙邊對話、減少在兩國壁壘森嚴的別界上的往來。
- I understand that, when reading an official post you may not agree with, you may have a visceral, instinctive reaction. 我也明白,當你們並不同意官方帖子的時候,你們可能會有發自內心深處的,本能的反應。
- He is unwilling to leave his official post but is incapable,so he can do nothing but obtain power by abnormal means. 他戀棧而無能,只能採取非正常手段獲取職權。
- The post-road assembles of the southwest Silk Road located in the present three provinces of southwest regions, were the floorboard of all acrostic official posts in the past dynasties. 西南絲綢之路的驛道聚落,即位於西南三省的(按現行政區劃川、滇、黔三省),在歷朝歷代中曾做過官方驛站的所有鄉土聚落的總稱。
- Just like trying to fish out the moon from the bottom of the sea, it is impossible to invite him to take up an official post. 你想請他出山,就好像海中撈月一樣不現實。
- It is also a Basic Law requirement that the specified Principal Official posts must be filled by Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the HKSAR with no right of abode in any foreign country. 《基本法》又訂明,一些指定的主要官員職位,必須由在外國無居留權的香港特別行政區永久性居民中的中國公民出任。
- Tamminen left his official post to build a national response to global warming one state at a time."I am trying to Johnny Appleseed what California has done," Tamminen says. 坦米仁辭去他的公職后,在各州先後建立了應對全球變暖的機構,他說:「我要把加州的蘋果種子撒播到其它州去。
- On 25 March 2004, EP2 Ethylene Cracker Expansion Project was set off officially and JGC Middle East was awarded the EPC contract. 14間在線自動分析小屋正在生產中,接近完工的6間,其餘8間預計在第三季度完成。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 這本小說的封面已被撕掉。
- Official post of Australia.Frankstamps, perfins surcharges.Loose and on cover * 2) The arab postman of Sudan with clear strikes .Loose and on cover. * 3) pre-stamp period of Doornik/Tournai. 為保障出價者的私隱,當物品的價格或最高出價達到或超過某金額時,會員帳號就會以匿名顯示。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球門柱上斜飛入網。
- Get this letter off by the first post. 把這一封信交第一班郵遞寄出去。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 當發價人死亡,發價即被終止。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我們。