- VOLT BATTERY PACK. Provides 40% more running time. 多40%25的運行時間:48V電池組。
- Can be used both at design time and at run time. 在設計時和運行時都可以使用。
- Gets or sets the input mask to use at run time. 獲取或設置運行時使用的輸入掩碼。
- Objects of this type are bound at run time. 該類型的對象在運行時綁定。
- Shows how to load a workflow code file at run time. 演示如何在運行時載入工作流代碼文件。
- Shows you how change print options at run time. 顯示在運行時如何更改列印選項。
- It will actually be hidden at run time. 實際上,該項將在運行時隱藏。
- To view status messages at run time. 以查看運行時的狀態消息。
- With a possible error at run time. 運行時可能會出現錯誤。
- Size is always known at run time. 大小在運行時始終為已知。
- How does a Web service work at run time? Web服務在運行時是如何工作的?
- Would be available for binding only at run time. 將僅在運行時用於綁定。
- This can also be done at run time. 這也可以在運行時執行。
- Then I set off running at random down one of the avenues,looking to left and right. 於是我開始沿著其中的一條大街胡亂地跑著,邊跑邊左右張望。
- This can be done at either design time or run time. 這可以在設計時或運行時完成。
- Adding Event Handlers at Run Time. 方法,在運行時添加控制項。
- Never a word he said, but set off running again for his life, and I must stagger to run after him. 他一句話也沒說,重新拚命地奔跑,我也只好搖搖擺擺地站起來,跟在他後面狂奔。
- This example plays a beep at run time. 此示例在運行時播放蜂鳴聲。
- Then I set off running at random down one of the avenues, looking to left and right. 於是我開始沿著其中的一條大街胡亂地跑著,邊跑邊左右張望。
- If the member can be set during run time. 如果可以在運行時設置該成員,則為。