- Generally speaking, we can not see the ocean ridge on the sea. 一般情況下,我們在海面上是看不到海嶺的。
- Practical applications for heat flow measurements in ocean floors are the location of hot brines. 洋底熱流量測量的實際目的是圈定熱滷水的位置。
- The ophiolite partly formed ocean ridge, mainly formed in an ocean island. 蛇綠岩環境分析表明,部分為洋中脊環境,大部分為洋島環境。
- The geographical distribution of heat flow data is very uneven. 熱流量資料的地理分佈很不平衡。
- The so-called ocean ridge is a major landforms, and spur its trunk extended to the ocean. 所謂的洋中脊就是一個主要地貌,其主幹與支脈延伸至各大洋。
- Steady-state heat flow is comparable to the flow of an incompressible fluid. 穩態熱流和不可壓縮流體的流動可相比擬。
- Our result shows the nonuniform distribution of mantle heat flow in China. 結果顯示;中國大陸地幔熱流的空間分佈不均勻.
- The mantle flow controls the plate movement and the distribution of ocean ridges, subduction zones, and collision zones. 地幔流動對地錶板塊運動、海洋中脊和中隆、俯衝帶和碰撞帶的分佈起著控制作用。
- Heat flow from a hotter to a cooler body is a process of energy transfer tending to equalize temperature. 熱從高溫物體流向低溫物體是一個能量傳遞過程,它使溫度趨於均勻。
- The approximation of a linear dependency between heat flow and temperature difference leads to satisfactory results. 在熱流量與溫度差之間,近似地採用線性關係,也能得出令人滿意的結果。
- The rate of heat flow between any two points increases with difference of temperature. 任何兩點間的熱流動速率則隨溫差的加大而增加。
- In short, heat flows from the warmer to the cooler body. 總之,熱總是從高溫物體流向低溫物體。
- In heterogeneous anisotropic materials the heat flow vector and conductivity are more complex. 在各向異性的非均質材料中,熱流向量和熱導率很複雜。
- This type of faulting occurs in response to extension and is often observed in the Western United States Basin and Range Province and along oceanic ridge systems. 這種類型的斷層活動是由伸展作用造成的,常常在美國西部的盆嶺省以及海底洋嶺系統中觀測到。
- It is impossible to have a cyclic machine that completely converts the random molecular energy of heat flow into the ordered motion of mechanical work. 不可能得到一種循環機器能把熱流的無序的分子能量完全轉變為機械功的有序運動。
- For instance the geomagnetic field, the heat flow, the propagation of seismic waves, the force of gravity, etc. 例如,應用地球物理勘探,可以了解諸如地磁場、熱流、地震波的傳播和重力等地球物理性質。
- The source of heat of the system comes from the heat flow within Tangshan anticline. 該系統以湯山背斜控熱構造提供的大地熱流為熱源;
- Hence peridotite modes can be used to reflect efficiently mantle melting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges only if the excess olivine is removed appropriately. 為此,只要把深海橄欖岩中過量的橄欖石剔除后,其實際礦物組分就能有效地反映洋脊下地幔熔融作用和熔融萃取過程。
- Sediment thermal conductivity is one of the important parameters for computing submarine heat flow. 摘要沉積物熱導率是計算海底熱流的一個重要參數。
- Indian Ocean ridge seismicity observed with a permanent hydroacoustic network 帶有一個永久的水聲網路觀測的印度海洋脊地震