All the EPDs river water quality monitoring operations are carried out by individuals, who visit the monitoring stations, take samples and record data. 環保署的水質監測工作均由工作人員在每個監測站上採集水樣本和記錄觀察數據。
The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further. 分光觀測資料進一步擾亂了這一圖景。
The displacement field and stress field of surveying areas are obtained through processing the observed data. 通過對觀測資料的數據處理,獲得了測區較客觀的位移場和應變場。
Record data and observations accurately. 正確記錄分析和觀測數據。
He first matched the observed data with an empirical expression. 他首先用一個經驗公式來適應觀測數據。