- ocular ataxia [醫] 眼球震顫
- The typical clinical manifestations were vertigo, cerebellar ataxia as well as nystagmus. 臨床表現以眩暈、嘔吐、小腦性共濟失調、眼球震顫為主。
- Since nystagmus and gait ataxia do not distinguish between the central or peripheral causes of vertigo, AICA infarct could masquerade as peripheral vestibular lesions. 由眼球震顫和步履運動失調無法區分中樞性或周邊性之暈眩症,因此前下小腦動脈梗塞與周邊前庭病變可產生臨床相似的癥狀。
- Ocular albinism impairs visual acuity. 眼部白化損害視力。
- Operation of hyphema after ocular contusion. 挫傷性前房積血的手術治療。
- Nystagmus blockage syndrome (Report of 3 cases). 眼球震顫阻滯綜合征(附3例報告)
- These signs are followed by ataxia. 這些癥狀之後就是共濟失調。
- Of or relating to the eye;ocular. 眼的,與眼有關的;眼睛的
- Perverted nystagmus pointed to central abnormality. 而當引出倒錯眼震時,則可能存在中樞異常。
- Of or relating to the eye; ocular. 眼的,與眼有關的;眼睛的
- A study of congenital nystagmus on VEP and ERG. 先天性眼球震顫的視誘發電位與視網膜電圖的研究
- Be sure of it; give me the ocular proof. 相信它;給我可見的證據。
- Congenital nystagmus is frequently genetic. 先天性眼球震顫症通常是遺傳性的。
- Most of adult diplopia were ocular dyscinesia type. 主要為眼肌運動障礙性復視。
- Clearly,ocular,assort the documents in order. 明快、直觀,資料分類井然有序。
- Four cases displayed abnormal nystagmus. 其中4例有異常眼振。
- The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma. 首先,改變眼部黑色素的是眼部疾病,如青光眼(患者瞳孔內出現青綠色的反光)。
- It results in progressive ataxia beginning at a young age. 該疾病自幼犬期發病並導致漸進性共濟失調。
- A 46-year-old woman with an acute vertigo attack is presented.She had risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases.At the time of infarction, she developed nystagmus, gait ataxia, and limb dysmetria. 本文報告一位急性暈眩症的46歲女性病人,她有腦血管疾病的危險因子及眼球震顫,步履運動失調和肢體辨距障礙。
- Objective: To treat the ocular surface disorders of chemical burns. 目的:觀察因化學性燒傷后的眼球表面疾病治療效果。