- cycloid gear hydraulic motor 擺線齒輪油液壓馬達
- Geared hydraulic motor design for drill bit of rotary well wall coring utensil 旋轉式井壁取芯器鑽頭的齒輪液壓馬達設計
- Ningbo Zhongyi Hydraulic motor Co., Ltd. 寧波中意液壓馬達有限公司。
- Ningbo intermot hydraulic motor co., Ltd. 寧波英特姆液壓馬達有限公司。
- The crowned teeth gear circumferential restriction gear pair is an important part of the differential hydraulic motor with bevel gear transmission. 鼓形齒輪周向限制副是錐差式液壓馬達的重要部件,鼓形齒輪的加工質量直接關係到周向限制副的各項性能指標。
- geared hydraulic motor 齒輪液壓馬達
- The slewing mechanism consists of hydraulic motor and worm speed reducer. 迴轉機構由液壓馬達及蝸輪蝸桿減速器組成。
- Many manufacturers of hydraulic motors, gear boxes, slewing bearingssleing ringsother products what we need in China. 液壓馬達, 迴轉之承, 齒輪箱及其他我們需要的產品的中國生產廠家。
- Such a machine distinguished from an electric,spring-driven,or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel. 燃料發動機因其使用燃料而與電動、發條驅動或液壓發動機而區別的機械裝置。
- BJQ63/0.6 hydraulic Motored pump is one of the power sources. 6型液壓機動泵是各液壓工具的動力源之一。
- Author found that the inland researches to nutation gear decelerating transmission mostly get off to theoretical phase by now. 作者通過查閱大量的資料和文獻發現,至今為止,國內對章動齒輪減速傳動的研究大多處於理論階段。
- Foreign companies have a good smooth channels, to provide various kinds of imported hydraulic motor (KAWASAKI. 南京馬洛派力自動化設備有限公司是專業從事進口液壓、氣動元件的代理公司。
- Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel. 燃料發動機因其使用燃料而與電動、發條驅動或液壓發動機而區別的機械裝置戰爭武器。
- Therefore, nutation gear speed reducer drive is a kind of new-style, high efficiency and economical speed reducer drive, and it has very developmental future. 因此,章動齒輪減速傳動裝置是一種新型、高效、經濟的減速傳動裝置,具有很大的發展前途。
- Included in the components are 3 different types of hydraulic accumulators as well as a hydraulic motor power pack. 該部分包括3個不同類型的水力蓄力器以及一個液壓馬達動力單元。
- The valve spindle is broken. Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for Fabricate ten gudgeon pins. 閥桿斷裂了把液壓馬達吊上岸去修理製作十個活塞銷。
- The power which moves the parts of the machine comes from hydraulic motors. 機器各部份的運動動力來自液壓馬達。
- Nutation gear drive system is a kind of bevel gear transmission system which has big axial angle contoured structure that is designed with nutation"s mathematical and physical conceptions. 章動齒輪傳動系統是應用章動的數學與物理概念,開發設計出的一類具有大軸角外形結構的錐齒輪傳動系統。
- Each crawler drive has a spring-set/hydraulic released parking brake that is automatically released when pressure is applied to the hydraulic motor. 每個牽引驅動裝置都有一個彈簧組/液壓釋放的停車剎車,當壓力應用於液壓馬達上時,停車剎車即會自動脫開。