- It was done with the best of intentions. 是出於一片好心才這樣做的。
- At sixty he still plays tennis with the best of them. 他六十歲了,可網球打得和別人不相上下。
- Would you rate him with the best of the bunch? 你認為他是這夥人中最好的嗎?
- Would you rate him with the best of the bunch ? 你認為他是這夥人中最好的嗎?
- Would you rate him with the best of the students? 你認為他是最好的學生之一嗎?
- She could sing with the best of them. 她可以唱得同他們中最棒的人一起好
- It was done with the best of intentions . 是出於好心做的。
- Max can ski with the best of them. 馬克斯滑雪是他們中最好的。
- He had the best of the fight with the older boy. 他和大孩子打架打贏了。
- He'll be out there, dancing with the best of them. 他將出現在舞池中,跳得不亞於任何人。
- You can haggle with the best of them. 能和最厲害的人討價還價。
- And how well she times every movement with the best of the music! 她的動作與音樂節奏配合得多好啊!
- The novel takes rank with the best of the last ten years. 這部小說可媲美過去十年的最佳傑作。
- And how well she times every movement with the best of the music. 她的動作與音樂節奏配合得多好啊!
- Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best. 儘管他已年近五十,可是他網球還是打得不比別人差。
- He is on the best of terms with the personnel department manager. 他與人事處長關係最好。
- He failed with the best of intentions to win the sympathy of his pupils . 他雖然用心良苦,想獲得學生們的同情,結果還是失敗了。
- The pundits disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem. 如何妥善處理這一問題,專家眾說紛紜。
- He ranks with the best English authors. 他名列英國第一流的作家之中。
- She spoke with the abruptness of a person whose feelings had gotten the better of her. 她不能自己地、不連貫地講著。