Only transformer coupling can contribute to the voltage gain of an amplifier by virtue of a stepup turns ratio. 只有放大器耦合方能通過開壓匝數比提高變壓器電壓增益。
"A science fiction cannot not be regarded as a mere entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much more." "科幻小說不能簡單地看成是供消遣的,而實際上它給讀者展示更深刻的內容。"
The age of a tree is told by the number of the rings in the wood. 樹的年齡是從木頭上圓環狀條紋的圈數而得知的。
The number and widths of the ring-type electrodes are further optimized to reach certain required levels of PSF and MTF for the LC lens. 藉此成像品質評估方法對具多圈電極之液晶變焦透鏡的電極寬度與圈數做最佳化設計,以達成所需之成像品質的要求。