- They are acquainted with each other. 他們互相認識。
- They are well acquainted with each other. 他們熟悉彼此。
- She and I have been long acquainted with each other. 她和我相識已久。
- Many people get acquainted with each other through E-mail. 許多人通過電子郵件而彼此認識。
- Defense attorney: Your honor, my opponent is a cheat! Judge: Good, I'm glad to see you're acquainted with each other. 公訴人:法官大人,我的對手是個說謊者!辯護律師:法官大人,我的對手是個騙子!法官:很好,很高興你們相互認識。
- We have acquainted with each other for ten years.He visited our institution as a visiting scholar and he was Mr.Basile's best friend.( Mr. 和他認識差不多有有十年了,他當時以訪問學者的身份到我們學院交流,和研究漢語的B.;巴薩爾特教授是好朋友。
- Prosecutor: Your Honor, my opponent is a liar! Defense attorney: Your honor, my opponent is a cheat! Judge: Good, I'm glad to see you're acquainted with each other. 公訴人:法官大人,我的對手是個說謊者!辯護律師:法官大人,我的對手是個騙子!法官:很好,很高興你們相互認識。
- I'm not acquainted with that foreign lady. 我不認識那位外國女士。
- Few people are in the town. Everyone is well acquainted with each other, chatting in the small streets with the basket in hand. Church-clock strike pervades the whole sky. 鎮上人總是不多,大家彼此之間都熟識,提著菜籃子站在小街上聊著天,空中飄蕩著教堂的鐘聲。
- I am not acquainted with your aunt. 我不認識你嬸子。
- The main purpose of tourism, apart from visiting different places, is to get acquaint with each other's costumes and cultures. 旅行的目的,除了四處遊覽之外,更重要的就是去了解對方的風俗與文化。
- We are not acquainted with these articles. 我對產品不熟悉。
- I am not acquainted with the lady. 我不認識那位女士.
- We have been good friends since we were acquaintant with each other in the school. 自從我們在學校認識之後,我們就一直是好朋友。
- The activity was set at the beginning, which aimed to make students communicate and be acquainted with each other, form the initial collectivism, smooth the prosess of technical salon and make base for the grouping of practising item. 這次活動放在夢工場的最初,就是想通過一系列的團隊活動是互不認識的同學們迅速建立溝通與了解,形成最初的團隊意識,為後面的技術沙龍的順利進行以及實踐項目分組做好基礎。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 這兩個計劃互相配合得很好。
- I have heard about your friend but I'm not acquainted with him. 我聽說過你的朋友,但同他不熟。
- We think that to begin with, you could do business with us on a commission basis, and when we become well acquainted with each other, the question of agency-ship could then be further discussed. 我們考慮首先可在收取傭金的基礎上為我們開展業務,待彼此了解后,再進一步探討這個問題。
- The boys competed with each other for the prize. 那些男孩子為贏得獎品而互相競爭。
- They often quarrel with each other about trifles. 他們經常為小事吵架。