- I have a half dollar but no small coins. 我有一枚五角硬幣但沒有更小的硬幣。
- He was not a man to sit down with affront. 他並不是一個可以忍受當眾侮辱的人。
- The four and a half per cent bonds are in request. 利息四厘五的債券需求量大。
- And she didn't. Not for three and a half years. 她不寫了,已有三年半沒給我寫信了。」
- He's not a fast horse but he's certainly a stayer. 這匹馬跑得不快,但很有耐力。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顧問。
- Two and a half marks,not counting the service. 兩個半馬克,服務費不計在內。
- Her lips were parted in a half smile. 她張開嘴微微一笑。
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什麼地方人?
- I am not a great admirer of her work. 我對她的工作不太欣賞。
- Two and a half marks, not counting the service. 兩個半馬克,服務費不計在內。
- I have not a good hand the whole rubber. 整個一盤牌中我就沒有拿到過一手好牌。
- He is not a man who forgives easily. 他不是一個肯輕易寬恕人的人。
- He is not a man with worldly wisdom. 他不是一個有處世才能的人。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 這次爭論沒有引起公眾絲毫的興趣。
- There's not a scrap of truth in the claim. 這種說法毫無真實性。
- There's not a jot of truth in his story. 他一句實話也沒有。
- I am not a worshiper of that film star. 我並不崇拜那個影星。
- Only after a century and a half of confusion is the royal authority restored. 只是在一個半世紀的混亂之後,皇權又得以恢復。
- Not a few of my friends are vegetarian. 我朋友中不少人吃素。