- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鮑勃經常煽動這兩個孩子打架。
- The fight was won by a knockout. 這場拳擊以一擊將對方打倒而獲勝。
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用飾有花紋的盾作戰。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 約翰為征服疾病,進行了不屈的鬥爭。
- The crusaders fight for their country. 十字軍戰士為了祖國而戰。
- The two animals were locked in a fight. 這兩頭野獸打得難分難解。
- He summoned his soldiers to fight. 他號召部下戰鬥。
- He took the oath to fight for his country. 他宣誓要為他的國家而戰。
- The soldiers swore to fight it out. 戰士們發誓戰鬥到底。
- Soon they began to fight among themselves. 不久他們內部就鬥爭起來了。
- It wasn't a real fight, just a scrap. 那並不是真正的打架,只是彼此推推搡搡罷了。
- After a fierce fight, the enemy yielded to us. 經過一場激戰,敵人向我們投降了。
- Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten. 亨利英勇奮戰,可是打敗了。
- The champion is in training for his next fight. 這位冠軍為了下一場比賽正在進行訓練。
- The fight broke off shortly after sunset. 戰鬥在太陽落山後不久突然停止了。
- This army gradually forced its way northward. 這支軍隊逐步強行向北推進。
- The news of defeat took all the fight out of us. 失敗的消息奪走了我們所有的鬥志。
- An army, like a snake, fight on its belly. 軍隊好比一條蛇,要靠肚子來打仗。
- The two opponents are arming for the fight. 敵對雙方正在武裝備戰。
- We flew northward to the Changjiang River Valley. 我們往北向長江流域飛。