- Person finally will become greenery be the ephemeris normal regulation. 人終究會成為綠葉就是天體的正常規律。
- The valve has the two control loops for normal regulation and emergency closure respectively. 此閥有兩個控制迴路,分別用於正常調節和緊急關閉。
- NET the project WEB manage system, this paper lays aside the normal regulation design way, makes use of the lately method with an example to explain how it can be realized in the . NET開發工程項目WEB管理系統為著眼點;拋開常規的設計和開發思路;利用最新的面向對象和系統可維護性的角度;通過一個實例來說明在.
- Results There was significant difference between the medical optometry and the normal regulations optometry. 結果醫學驗光與常規驗光的差異有顯著性。
- Normal regulations visits were given to dissociate the normal and ab-normal esophagus and esophagogastroplasty was performed. 結果本組病例中,經手術治療順利康復出院40例,全組無手術近期死亡病例,切緣無癌殘留。
- Want to carry on bactria development and the bowels normal regulations check first, make pure diarrhea reason, have already carried on an anti-virus treatment to sex ground. 首先要進行細菌培養及大便常規檢查,弄清腹瀉原因,有針對性地進行抗菌治療。
- Because the nucleic acid vaccine has the advantage that the normal regulations vaccine have no, but the nucleic acid vaccine also exists some problems that didn't resolve yet. 由於核酸疫苗具有常規疫苗所沒有的優點,但同時核酸疫苗也存在一些尚未解決的問題。
- "Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases are caused by a breakdown of the normal regulatory processes that control our immune system," Vignali said. "自身免疫性疾病及炎症性疾病是由一種細分的正常監管程序的控制我們的免疫系統, "維尼亞利說。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 這台計算機有標準的英文鍵盤。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 這座城市的局勢已恢復正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去紐約的來回票標準價是56元。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 這件事經不起常規的檢驗。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 醫生說孩子體溫正常。
- CDE Restores Normal Regulatory Work Calendar CDE恢復對外諮詢和資料受理工作
- method of the normal regulations 常規法
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常體溫體溫正常的狀況
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康狀態某個組織或器官所具有的正常堅韌性
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感減輕對刺激反應能力低於正常水平
- normal regulations drill machine 常規鑽機