"a restless mobile society"
"the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"
"believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"
"wandering tribes"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
His tribe was unusual for its sedentarism.Plains tribes were commonly nomadic. 他的部落過著與眾不同的隱居生活,而平原上的部落一般都是游牧的。
The Ming adopted a new strategy to keep the nomadic Mongols out by constructing walls along the northern border of China. 明朝採取了一個新的策略通過沿中國北方邊界建造長城來阻擋游牧的蒙古。
I don't have known nomadic blood in the family. 據我所知,我身上並沒有游牧民族的血液。
The Yuma Indians, such as this tribesman, were generally nomadic. 照片中的部落男人就是尤馬族的印第安人,他們通常都是游牧民族。