- The channel coding theorem, the source coding theorem. 通道編碼理論和信源編碼理論。
- Coding theorem for noisy channel 有雜訊通道編碼定理
- The capacity-cost function of discrete memoryless channel, and channel coding theorem. 離散無記憶通道的容量價值函數和通道編碼定理。
- A general communication system, channel coding theorem and source-channel coding theorem. 通信系統的一般模型,通道編碼定理和信源通道編碼定理。
- A partial distortion theorem based Channel-Optimized VQ (COVQ) design algorithm using the evolutionary algorithm on noisy channel was presented. 摘要提出了一個使用進化演算法、引入部分失真定理(漸進劃分理論)的通道最優矢量量化器(COVQ)的設計演算法。
- Coding theorem for noisy discrete channel 有雜訊離散通道編碼定理
- channel coding theorem 通道編碼理論
- The focus is on the channel coding. 通道編碼是本論文的重點。
- The rate-distortion function, and source coding theorem. 率失真函數和信源編碼定理。
- This paper proposes an error correction method used for JPEG compressed image data, which is transmitted in noisy channel. 提出了一種採用JPEG標準壓縮的靜止圖像數據在非理想通道中傳輸的糾錯方法。
- Finally, performance of a differential PSK modem via fading and noisy channel is simulated and emulated in both software and hardware methods. 由本文硬體模擬之結果,以期能應用在實際電路之中。
- The equivocation is the mean additional information content that must be supplied per message at the message sink to correct the received messages affected by a noisy channel. 條件信息總平均量是平均附加信息量,它必須提供給信息接收處的每條信息,以便對接收到的受雜訊通道影響的信息加以校正。
- At first, the error model of the vector quantization, watermarking embedding and the noisy channel were established and further the simplified model was given. 為了用蟻群演算法進行優化,首先建立了矢量量化、水印嵌入及通過雜訊通道的誤差模型,並給出了簡化模型。
- The evolutionary algorithm is introduced into the design of COVQ to achieve a significant improvement of VQ performance for a given noisy channel status model. 採用該演算法,在給定通道狀態模型和存在通道雜訊的情況下,可有效地提高矢量量化器的性能,實現了COVQ的設計。
- This paper presents the source coding theorem for discrete-time stationary Gaussian sources with absolutely summable autocorrelation sequence. 摘要本論文提出具有絕對可加性自相關數列的離散時間穩定高斯訊號的編碼定理。
- To reduce the channel distortion caused by the transmission of codeword indices in the noisy channel, a modified Tabu search codeword index assignment algorithm with simulated annealing is presented. 為了降低碼字索引在雜訊通道中傳輸時所引起的通道失真,本文在禁止搜索中融入模擬退火機制,提出禁止模擬退火碼字索引分配演算法。
- Pseudo random sequence has broad applications in stream cipher, channel coding, and spread spectrum communication. 偽隨機序列在流密碼、通道編碼、頻通信等領域有著廣泛的應用.
- The streets were as noisy as ever. 街上和往常一樣喧鬧。
- A modified SLM technique which combines the PAPR reduction with the channel coding is proposed. 採用一種改進的選擇映射法,把降低峰均功率比和通道編碼相結合。
- Channel coding is BCH and convolution, and error correction capability has been greatly enhanced. 在通道編碼中使用了BCH碼和卷積碼兩級編碼,糾錯能力大大提高。