- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一陣喧鬧聲轉移了我的注意力。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎麼登錄進入這個系統嗎?
- The noise awoke her from her revery. 這聲音把我她從沉思中驚醒。
- That noise is driving me frantic. 那種噪音真要把我弄瘋了。
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 這道厚牆隔絕了街上的噪音。
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸腳去鉤取一段漂浮著的木頭。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱樂部發停止大聲喧嘩的通知。
- They are sawing a log into planks. 他們把原木鋸成一塊塊厚板。
- The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音變得愈來愈大。
- The noise struck terror into their hearts. 那聲音使他們心裡產生恐懼。
- He turned around as he heard a noise behind him. 他聽到身後有響聲,便轉過身來。
- They broke down the door with a big heavy log. 他們用一根粗大的木頭將門砸開。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其來的響聲嚇得這個男孩跳了起來。
- The loud noise made me leap out of my skin. 這麼響的聲音嚇了我一大跳。
- His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. 他被交通噪音弄得神經緊張。
- She feels wearisome by the constant noise. 她很厭煩那些沒完沒了的嘈雜聲。
- The horse shied at the loud noise. 那馬聽到巨大的響聲時驚得往後倒退。
- There is intolerable noise outdoors. 門外是難以忍受的嘈雜聲。
- She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. 她愛市場上的生趣、喧嘩與多姿多彩。
- The merest noise is enough to wake him. 一丁點兒聲音就足以把他吵醒。