Noise can be eliminated via the orthogonal decomposition of seismic data followed by eigen extraction. 通過對地震記錄進行正交分解和特徵提取,可消除雜訊。
To eliminate the residuals caused by noise, a new phase filtering method is proposed to reduce the noise in the phase data. 同時,針對磁共振相位解纏繞中的雜訊問題,本文提出一個新的濾波方法,可以高效地消除雜訊導致的解纏繞的不一致性。
Designing air cleaner with good performance of noise reduction is one of the effective ways for the intake noise control. 設計消聲效果良好的空氣濾清器是控制發動機進氣雜訊的有效措施之一。
Suitable noise and vibration isolation, and protection against freezing must be provided. 必須提供適當的消聲和隔振以及防凍措施。