- She greeted us with a nod of the head. 她向我們點點頭打招呼。
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那個戴校帽的男孩是誰?
- And nodding by the fire, take down this book. 爐火旁打盹,請取下這部詩歌。
- I often nod off for a little while after lunch. 我在午飯後常睡一小覺。
- She passed by with only a distant nod. 她只冷淡地點了一下頭就走了過去。
- The cap should twist off easily. 這個帽兒應該容易擰開。
- The lilies were nodding in the wind. 百合花隨風搖曳。
- The old lady sat nodding by the fire. 那老太太坐在火爐旁打瞌睡。
- Why are you nodding (your head) if you disagree? 你若不同意為什麽要點頭呢?
- Winning the medal was a feather in his cap. 獲得獎章是他的榮譽。
- He wore a cap with tabs over the ears. 他帶一頂有護耳的帽子。
- He left without so much as a nod. 他連頭也不點一下就離開了。
- Put the cap back on the toothpaste. 把蓋子重新擰在牙膏管上。
- He gave an almost imperceptible nod. 他略一點頭,別人幾乎無法察覺。
- In lieu of carrying an umbrella, I wore a waterproof coat and cap. 我穿一件雨衣,戴一頂雨帽,就不用帶雨傘了。
- nodding cap 垂首蘭, 三裂蘭
- Before I can give them an answer I'll have to put my thinking cap. 在我回答他們之前,我必須好好地思索一下。
- The contestant got the nod from the judges. 選手從裁判那獲得了同意的信號
- I have no more than a nodding acquaintance with her novels. 我對她寫的小說不甚了解。
- Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap. 奪得金牌是她又一值得驕傲的成就。