- General Bizimungu: I committed no war crimes. 我不認為自己是戰爭的罪人。
- No war was allowed until the Games were over. 奧運會結束之前,戰爭是不允許發生的。
- In modern times,there has been no war fought over water resources. 當代尚沒有為水資源而爆發的戰爭。
- In Raven Dove she sings about a time when there is no war or hate. 《黑鴿子》這首歌表達了沒有戰爭,也沒有仇恨的未來時代。
- China hopes that there will be no war for the rest of the century. 中國希望至少二十年不打仗。
- May all the world be full of love, no war, no hunger. 願世界充滿愛,沒有戰爭,沒有飢餓。
- Before his enlistment, Gong Yoo expressed "I hope there is no war. 孔侑在1月14日入伍前發表入伍感想時說:「希望不發生戰爭。
- For three years there was no war between Aram and Israel. 到第三年,猶大王約沙法下去見以色列王。
- Now for three years there was no war between Aram and Israel. 到第三年,猶大王約沙法下去見以色列王。
- Of a world in which there would be no wars. 他構想了一個沒有戰爭的世界。
- Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day. 寧可千日不戰,不可一日不備。
- He had a vision of a world in which there would be no wars. 他幻想有一個沒有戰爭的世界。
- If there were amity between nations, there would be no wars. 國家與國家間如能修睦和好,則無戰爭發生。
- We hope for there to be no wars and killings in the world. 我們希望世界上沒有戰爭和殺戮。
- Supposing that there were no war in the world, all the children could be studying in peace in the classrooms. 假如世界上沒有戰爭了,所有的孩子就都能在教室里平靜地學習了。
- Yet his early readers were often skeptical and blithely assumed that there would be no war. 然而,他那個時代的讀者,卻常抱懷疑態度,而且,還樂呵呵地一廂情願:「哪會有什麼戰爭啊?」
- As required by international law, the hospital ship was unarmed, unescorted, and carried no war supplies. 按照國際法規定,醫院船手無寸鐵,護送,並進行任何戰爭物資。
- This is no war for domination, for imperial aggrandisement for material gain, no war to shut any country out of its sunlight and means of progress. 我們加入這場戰爭,不是為了獲得世界霸權,不是為了擴張大英帝國的權力,不是為了攫取物質利益,不是為了把任何國家阻擋在發展進步的大門之外。
- This constant drumbeat of conflict ... is not helpful and not useful. I expect that there will be no war, and that is what we ought to be working for. 那些不斷鼓吹衝突的言論既無助亦無用。我預期不會有戰爭,這亦是我們該努力的方向。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨對我來說都一樣。