- night sleep deprivation 夜間喪失睡眠, 夜間睡眠剝奪
- Sleep deprivation may change the levels of cortisol,growth hormone (GH) and thyrotropin (TSH) at night. 睡眠剝奪能夠影響3種下丘腦-垂體軸激素(生長激素、促甲狀腺激素和皮質醇)在夜間的分泌。
- Sleep deprivation can cause stress,loss of appetite and lethargy. 睡眠不足會導致緊張、沒有胃口和懶散。
- Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ 0drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night. 關於剝奪睡眠的研究表明因為痴迷於電子產品而造成的智力衰退相當於一夜失眠。
- Yes. You must have had a good night sleep. 是啊。你一定睡得很好吧。
- And sleep deprivation also causes car crashes, Dinges says. 缺少睡眠也會引起撞車,丁格斯說。
- A good night sleep strengthens our brainpower. 夜晚好的睡眠可以增強我們的腦力。
- Many studies make it clear that sleep deprivation is dangerous. 多實驗都證實了睡眠剝奪的危險。
- Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic o e ion is also equivalent to a wakeful night. 關於剝奪睡眠的研究表明因為痴迷於電子產品而造成的智力衰退相當於一夜失眠。
- Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night. 英國研究人員稱,與吸食大麻相比,電子信息對智力的不利影響大的多。人在吸食大麻時智商會降低4個百分點。研究人員將這種暫時變笨的現象稱為「信息狂躁」。
- Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by elecspxonic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night. 關於剝奪睡眠的研究表明因為痴迷於電子產品而造成的智力衰退相當於一夜失眠。
- If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings may develop. 如果持續睡眠不足可以出現幻覺和情緒不穩。
- After days of hard work, he had a good night sleep at last. 勞累多日,今天他終於得到了一夕安寢。
- Sleep deprivation or disturbances may affect the immune system capabilities. 睡眠剝奪或干擾可以影響免疫能力.
- This medicine will render certain a nights sleep. 這葯肯定能使你睡一夜好覺。
- Shen night sleep is only vaguely heard in the flowing water, Wuyuan. 夜裡睡的很沉,只依稀地聽到水在流淌,嗚咽。
- Sleep deprivation tends to hamper the brain's ability to make new memories, a new study shows. 一項新的研究顯示缺乏睡眠將損傷大腦的記憶功能。
- Working night shifts disrupts the circadian system, alters sleep patterns, induces chronic sleep deprivation, and suppresses the production of melatonin (an antioxidant and tumour suppressor). 夜班工作干擾了心血管系統,改變了睡眠模式,誘發了慢性睡眠剝奪並抑制了腿黑激素的產生(一種抗氧化劑和腫瘤抑製劑)。
- The reason this kind of napping works is because sleep deprivation is remedied most rapidly during the first hour of sleep. 這種小睡有效的原因是,因為睡眠的不足可以在第一小時的睡眠中最快得到補償。
- Scientific research has confirmed what we all already knew: sleep is the perfect antidote for sleep deprivation. 科學研究已經證實了一件大家都知道的事:睡覺是治療睡眠不足的良方。