- Impact of Printing Materials on Newspaper Quality 印刷物料對報紙質量的制約
- The Times is a quality newspaper. 泰晤士報內容嚴肅。
- The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash. 該報獨家報導了那次飛機失事。
- He claimed that the newspaper report was a libel. 他聲稱報紙上的報導是一種誹謗。
- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是從一份晚報上讀到關於那位作家自殺的消息的。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我們的報紙是全國性的報紙。
- We have subscribed to an evening newspaper. 我們已經訂閱了一份晚報。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是這家地方報紙最新聘任的新聞記者。
- The newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates. 這家報紙熱烈擁護左派候選人。
- He read all the interesting bit in the newspaper. 他把報紙上點點滴滴有趣的新聞都讀了。
- His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 報紙上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。
- The message in the newspaper is unabridged. 報紙上的那則消息是沒有經過刪節的。
- I read the newspaper over breakfast. 我邊吃早飯邊看報紙。
- The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter. 該報認為不宜發表我的信。
- He ran off an article for the local newspaper. 他為當地報紙匆匆寫了篇文章。
- She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book. 她把報紙放下,拿起了一本書。
- She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她參加某報紙舉辦的比賽獲勝。
- The newspaper owner failed to pull the paper round. 報館老闆沒能挽救該報的失敗。
- He saved many cuttings from newspaper. 他保存了很多剪報。
- The newspaper reporter did violence to the truth. 這個新聞記者歪曲了事實真相。