- We should adopt an open attitude towards the new concept of object stands still, but we should also deal with science in the introduction and application of new ideas, against dogmatism, unrealistic. 我們要以開放的心態對待新概念,反對固步自封,但同時也應該科學的處理新理念的引進和應用的問題,反對教條主義,不切實際。
- So,Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways,new concepts,new thoughts,new ideas,the changing of the culture. 所以,「21世紀陸軍」的研究確實是一個發現新方式、新概念、新思想、新觀點的心理活動過程,旨在改變文化。
- If I can not accept new ideas new concepts or new imaginations I know I have a problem with the earth element. 如果我不願意接受新的點子新的概念新的想像我知道我的土氣不順了.
- So, Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways, new concepts, new thoughts, new ideas, the changing of the culture. 所以,「21世紀陸軍」的研究確實是一個發現新方式、新概念、新思想、新觀點的心理活動過程,旨在改變文化。
- China's culture of conspicuous consumption and its big luxury market make the country an ideal place to 『generate new ideas and new concepts' Mr. Boulay said. 布雷說,中國的炫耀性消費文化和龐大的豪華汽車市場是這裡成為產生新想法和新概念的理想之地。
- Old people are not acceptive of new ideas. 老年人不容易接受新的觀念。
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她帶著滿腦子的新想法回來了。
- A new idea popped into my mind like a flash. 我腦子裡突然閃現出一個新的想法。
- He had to whistle up some new ideas for lessons. 他只好勉強給上課的教材添些新內容。
- A great book impregnates the mind with new ideas. 偉大的著作總是把新思想注入人心。
- Young people are readily pervious to new ideas. 青年人樂意接受新思想。
- What we need here is some new blood with new ideas. 我們這兒所需要的是具有新觀念的新成員。
- Always listen out for new ideas in your subject. 要不斷留心你那一學科領域內的新觀點。
- New ideas are slowly filtering into people's minds. 新思想逐漸深入人心。
- The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas. 公司當然需要一些具有創見的新人。
- She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加銷售量的新主意。
- A new idea started up in his mind. 他忽然有了一個新主意。
- It is not wise to memorize New Concept. 背新概念有用嗎答;
- I'm sure that new idea will pay dividends some day. 我相信那個新觀念總有一天會顯出它的好處的。
- The New Concept of the Economic Globalization. 經濟全球化潮流中的新含義。