- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 國會通過了新的教育預算。
- He innovated a new educational system. 他創新了一套新的教育系統。
- Her job involves demonstrating new educational software. 她的工作包括演示新的教學軟體。
- Would you tell us something about the new Education Act? 請你給我們講講新的教育法好嗎?
- The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution. 校務委員會正式承認了這所新的教育機構。
- The Prime Minister will make a statement tomorrow on the new educational plans. 首相明天將就新的教育計劃發表一項聲明。
- Choice is the keynote of the new education policy. 新教育政策的主導原則是容許選擇。
- Our school is the only educational base of Shanghai Conservatoire in Zhejiang Province. 我校成為上海音樂學院附中浙江省唯一的教學基地。
- Congress has approved the new education laws. 國會已通過新的教育法。
- And as if not enough, the government wants every Malay child and student in Singapore to have a strong educational base from the start. 政府甚至更進一步,實行要新加坡的每一個馬來孩童和學生,都有一個穩固的教育基礎的政策。
- Our school is the education base of Hubei astronomy science. 我校是湖北省天文科學教育基地。
- The memorial for patriotism education base in Hebei Province. 該紀念館為河北省愛國主義教育基地。
- Each innovation blazes a wide road for the Chinese Educational Base and blueprints a splendid scroll. 每次革故鼎新,都為華教開闢了康庄大道,繪就了一幅燦爛畫卷。
- This committee will come under the new Education Department. 這個委員會將歸新成立的教育系領導。
- And as if not enough,the government wants every Malay child and student in Singapore to have a strong educational base from the start. 政府甚至更進一步,實行要新加坡的每一個馬來孩童和學生,都有一個穩固的教育基礎的政策。
- Performing new design education based on Orientalism. 履行東方式的新設計教育。
- Next week, the students of ISC are going to take part in the social practice activity in Da Peng, the educational base of Shen Zhen CYL. 國高班全體同學將於下周前往共青團深圳市委教育基地(大鵬)進行社會實踐活動。
- During the year,the council also advised the Government on two new educational initiatives. 年內,評審局就兩項新教育措施向政府提供意見。
- However, new educational trends have emerged in the humanities and social sciences in the past two decades. 然而在過去二十年中,在人文科學和社會科學出現了新的教學趨勢。
- This school's new educational reform project is scheduled to be started up in three months. 這個學校新的教育改革項目定於三個月後啟動。