- An excretory organ of certain invertebrates. 某些無脊椎動物的排泄器官
- The excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops. 原腎脊椎動物胚胎的排泄器官,腎由此發展而來
- A tubular excretory organ in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and earthworms. 腎管許多脊椎動物,比如軟體動物和蚯蚓的管狀排泄器官
- In birds,reptiles,and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney. 在鳥類、爬行動物和哺乳動物中它代替中腎起排泄器官的作用,並最終發育成腎。
- The development of the kidney, the major excretory organ after birth, consists of 3 stages: the pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros. 摘要腎臟是人體主要的排泄器官,它的發育經過原腎、中腎、后腎3個階段。
- In birds, reptiles, and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney. 后腎脊椎動物胚胎髮育中的第三個也是最後一個排泄器官。在 鳥 類、爬行動物和哺乳動物中它代替中腎起排泄器官的作用,並最終發育成腎The third and final excretory organ that develops in a vertebrate embryo.
- Fluoride is a widely distributed nephrotoxin with exposure potentially resulting from environmental fluorine excess.Kidney is the main excretory organ of fluorine. 腎臟是氟的主要排泄器官,當機體攝入過量氟超過腎的排泄能力時,腎組織細胞就會因處於高氟環境而受到損害。
- Some species of water bears actually have rudimentary excretory organs. 實際上,水熊的某些種類在未發育完成時已經有排泄器官了。
- The third and final excretory organ that develops in a vertebrate embryo. In birds, reptiles, and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney. 后腎脊椎動物胚胎髮育中的第三個也是最後一個排泄器官。在鳥類、爬行動物和哺乳動物中它代替中腎起排泄器官的作用,並最終發育成腎
- Kidney is a excretory organ,overtreatment of traditional and western medicine especially toxic drugs of kidney such as Tripteryyium wilfordii Hook.f. and antibiotics etc may be injury kidney. 腎臟又是一個排泄器官,中西藥的過度應用,尤其是具有毒性藥物如雷公藤類、抗生素類累積性損傷腎臟。
- The gonads open near the base of the abdomen and the excretory organs are usually Malpighian tubules. 生殖腺開口於近腹部基部,排泄器官通常為馬氏管。
- Between the ectoderm and endoderm is mesoderm, which forms the muscles, reproductive organs, blood vessels and excretory organs. 在外胚層和內胚層之間是中胚層,它形成肌肉、生殖腺、血管和排泄器官。
- The chief site of excretion (especially the filter role) is coelomosac and its podocytes,and the osmoregulatory site in excretory organs is the canal portion. 2.排泄尤其是最主要的過濾功能的主要生理功能部位為體腔囊及其足細胞,而排泄器官中滲透壓調節的主要功能活動部位是管狀部。
- The second of the three excretory organs that develop in a vertebrate embryo,becoming the functioning kidney in fish and amphibians but replaced by the metanephros in higher vertebrates. 中腎在脊椎動物胚胎內發育而成的三對排泄器官中的第二對,作為功能腎存在於魚類和兩棲類體內,但在更高級的脊椎動物中則發育成后腎。
- The second of the three excretory organs that develop in a vertebrate embryo, becoming the functioning kidney in fish and amphibians but replaced by the metanephros in higher vertebrates. 中腎在脊椎動物胚胎內發育而成的三對排泄器官中的第二對,作為功能腎存在於魚類和兩棲類體內,但在更高級的脊椎動物中則發育成后腎
- a tubular excretory organ in many invertebrates,such as mollusks and earthworms 許多脊椎動物,比如軟體動物和蚯蚓的管狀排泄器官
- the excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops 原腎脊椎動物胚胎的排泄器官,腎由此發展而來
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼淚由上眼瞼下面的器官分泌。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 當新娘沿著通道走過來時,風琴演奏了起來。
- Serving to carry waste out of the body; excretory. 排泄的用來把廢物帶出體外的; 排泄的