- A spinster is a bachelor 's wife . 怨婦乃曠夫之妻。
- So does Yuri Orlov』s wife Ava Fontaine Orlov. 但是一個生活在孤島上的人卻不可能認識到他是誰。
- Hayes\'s wife was an interesting person, too. 海耶斯的妻子也是個有趣的人。
- Tom』s wife nags at him all day. 湯姆的妻子一天到晚跟他嘮叨不止。
- Gimple, you know the rabbi』s wife has been brought to childbed? 吉姆佩爾,拉比的妻子生孩子了,你知道嗎
- Julia was his eldest step-brother』s wife, and a thorn in his side. 朱麗葉是他異父長兄的妻子,對他來說,也是無法忍受的肉中刺。
- Taking one』s wife to Hajj is an aspect of devotion to her, not an obligation. 支付妻子朝覲的費用是對妻子的奉獻,而不是義務。
- The year before, that distinction went to president Carter』s wife, Rosalynn. 在那一年前,這項殊榮屬於卡特總統夫人羅莎琳。
- Alf' s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. 阿爾夫的妻子從來沒有發現自己嫁給了一個清潔工,而且她再也不能發現自己丈夫是清潔工了,因為阿爾夫剛剛找到一種別的工作。
- The Ambassador' s wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband' s hat. 大使的妻子繼續問了好多問題,突然她發現丈夫帽子上有個洞。
- Bachelor 's wives and old maid ' children are always perfect . 王老五的老婆和老處女的孩子,無一不十全十美。
- Evan. S Wife: Maybe God meant a flood of. Awareness. Evan Baxter: If that. S true, I. M going to be so pissed. 埃文的妻子:也許上帝的意思是。意識上的洪水。。埃文·巴克斯特:如果真如你所說,那麼我會非常地生氣。
- Bachelor 's wives and old maid' children are always perfect. 王老五的老婆和老處女的孩子,無一不十全十美。
- Bachelor 's wives and old maid ' children are always perfect. 王老五的老婆和老處女的孩子,無一不十全十美。
- It was named after Charles Brooke (1829-1917) (the 2nd White Rajah of Sarawak)'s wife, Ranee Margaret. 取名自砂拉越第二白人拉惹查爾斯布洛克(1829-1917)的夫人萊妮瑪格烈。
- Slowly, patiently, skillfully, James Van Meter>s wife fanned the spark of life that flickered in Henry Bedell. 詹姆斯>范>米特的妻子慢慢地、耐心地、巧妙地點燃了亨利>比德爾身上奄奄一息的生命的火花。
- His nephew is an uncouth young man. 他的侄子是一個粗野的年輕人。
- First, JFK's wife, Carolyn Bessette, was declared to be the nag who insisted John fly her sister to Martha's Vineyard. 首先,是約翰的妻子卡羅林。碧塞特,被告知一直在嘮叨堅持邀約翰帶他的姐姐瑪撒的葡萄園。
- My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house. 我侄子住得離我家很近。
- The children pretend not to know how to get on the sawhorse so the devil』s wife demonstrates. 孩子們假裝不知怎麼上據木架,惡魔之妻上架示範。