- There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village. 除了村子盡頭的岔道外,還有一條大路。
- We are near the end of the year. 我們快過年了。
- Are you near the end of the book? 這本書你快看完了嗎?
- Near the end we were grasping at straws. 快到最後我們在抓救命稻草
- Georges knew he was near the end of the line. 喬戈斯知道他快山窮水盡了。
- A pair of spectacles was perched near the end of his nose. 一副眼鏡架在他的鼻尖上。
- There was a tributary road near the end of the village. 村的盡頭有條岔道。
- Nearest the end or rear;hindmost or last. 最後面的,最後的最靠近後面或後部的;最後面的或最後的
- There is a turnoff near the end of the village. 村的盡頭有條岔道。
- They were nearing the end of their training. 他們的訓練接近尾聲了。
- It's nearing the end of summer . 這一天也是夏季結束的標記。
- California is near the end of the race. 到加利福尼亞那已是選戰尾聲了。
- I'll wind the film on to the exciting bit near the end. 我來把片子轉到快結束時的有刺激性的部分。
- The children in my class get restless near the end of the term. 我班上的兒童到了學期末尾就變得坐立不安。
- Near the end of the race he lapped some of the other runners . 在接近比賽結束時,他以一圈領先於其他一些選手。
- There is a tributary road near the end of the village. 村的盡頭有條岔道。
- The lease on my apartment is near the end of its term. 我公寓的租約快到期了。
- His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. 他的診所在新建的火車站附近。
- A pair of spectacles is perched near the end of his nose. 一副眼鏡架在他的鼻尖上。
- The rug singed because it was too near the fire. 地毯太靠近壁爐已烤焦了。